Help me fix this sick girl!

Jan 9, 2019
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Hola, dear autoflower'ers!

I have been reading this forum since it appeared, lots of you have inderectly helped me get through many plant problems and i have gained good results from my autoflowers. Thank you for that!

But this time i got something i can't put my finger on. I will try to elaborate as much as i can so you can see how weird it all is. First time indoor photoperiod(!) strain, Cotton Candy Cane from Emerald triangle, veg week 7.

Problems started at week 4, when new shoots were yellowing at the base of the leaf, thus Fe deficiency. As i fixed that i realised that soil ph is off so i flushed it good with ph6 water and added balanced mix of ferts (2ml/l BioGrow, 2ml/l BioHeaven, 1ml/l AlgaMic, 1ml/l rootjuice) and it recovered good for a week or so. After that, everything went bad gradually. Necrotic spots, chlorosis, bronzing, narrowing new shoots, wilting, purple stems, stopped growt

Temps are around 25c day and 17c night, RH at 35-50%

Photos make plant more lush as it really is, imagine more of a pastel lifeless lime green. From the first appearance it seems like lacking N and K, yet there should be enough of both in soil (ph ~6.8) i have been foliar feeding with epsom salts for the last couple of days, appearance seems to be slightly improving, but no much.

To be more concrete, the questions are:
1. Where do i start to make symptoms stop?
2. How to pinpoint the cause?
3. Can it even recover and become healthy from now?
4. Should i remove all affected leaves?
Hola, dear autoflower'ers!

I have been reading this forum since it appeared, lots of you have inderectly helped me get through many plant problems and i have gained good results from my autoflowers. Thank you for that!

But this time i got something i can't put my finger on. I will try to elaborate as much as i can so you can see how weird it all is. First time indoor photoperiod(!) strain, Cotton Candy Cane from Emerald triangle, veg week 7.

Problems started at week 4, when new shoots were yellowing at the base of the leaf, thus Fe deficiency. As i fixed that i realised that soil ph is off so i flushed it good with ph6 water and added balanced mix of ferts (2ml/l BioGrow, 2ml/l BioHeaven, 1ml/l AlgaMic, 1ml/l rootjuice) and it recovered good for a week or so. After that, everything went bad gradually. Necrotic spots, chlorosis, bronzing, narrowing new shoots, wilting, purple stems, stopped growtView attachment 1003348 View attachment 1003349 View attachment 1003350 h...

Temps are around 25c day and 17c night, RH at 35-50%

Photos make plant more lush as it really is, imagine more of a pastel lifeless lime green. From the first appearance it seems like lacking N and K, yet there should be enough of both in soil (ph ~6.8) i have been foliar feeding with epsom salts for the last couple of days, appearance seems to be slightly improving, but no much.

To be more concrete, the questions are:
1. Where do i start to make symptoms stop?
2. How to pinpoint the cause?
3. Can it even recover and become healthy from now?
4. Should i remove all affected leaves?
With it being photo I'd strip the damaged growth then flush and feed with only Activera from bio bizz and see what happens

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If I were to guess I'd put my money on root issues or you sprayed the leaves during lights on.

Need a lot more info to diagnose. But I dont see any drain holes for dirt so that makes me think soil has been wet for too long and causing root rot. Also it seems the whole plant is affected not just here and there. You could clone a cutting and start again or post more info for @Waira to give a good diagnosis to try and save.
One more thing is its very hungry looking. What soil do you have and pot size?
@STILLSMOKIN Yes, i sprayed while lights were on... Do you think the water drops may be burning leafs like little lenses? Or plant just doesn't absorb through leaves during daytime?

There are holes drilled underneath the bucket, and 5cm layer of ceramsite, so altough roots don't sit in water, drainage is not that great. I added 30% perlite in my soil mix, but it seems like fraction was too small and it doesn't help much with drainage. Soil is not completely wet, but has not dried to the first knuckle ever between feedings. May be a root problem.

Please tell what info is cruicial for @Waira and i will be quick to provide

EDIT: added info

That is a 20L mix of: 30% perlite, 20% worm castings, 20% peat moss based tomato soil and 30% must muld

@James Walker Unfortunately, activera is one thing from biobizz i didn't got. Doesn't sell locally, and shipping is 2weeks at least. Will check for alternatives in local shops tho.
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Yeah never spray with lights on. You need to up N to it for sure stop the sprays. Photos take twice the nutes of an auto from my experience.
Okay, for now i will stop spraying epsom and up the grow nutes next feeding. Until then, should or shouldn't i prune affected leaves? Afraid to stress her too much...
Okay, for now i will stop spraying epsom and up the grow nutes next feeding. Until then, should or shouldn't i prune affected leaves? Afraid to stress her too much...
Leave them for nutrients imo
She definately is hungry!
Have you checked for bugs? I was looking at an article and the leaves on this plant that had fungus gnats look quite similar to yours, might be completely wrong here but worth taking a look :shrug:
Hope I'm totally wrong though dude! Here is the image
Looks phosphorus deficient as well as hungry to me but I’m no expert.