New Grower Help making seed decision (from list)

Sep 23, 2014
Reaction score
Hi this year im going to be started a outdoor garden sw UK grow in pots of light mix soil.

Basically stopped smoking weed few years back cos started get panic attacks/anxiety and stuff (pretty much fully gone now) so real want to get stoned again so after a bit of research saw that cbd is great for anxiety so was thinking of growing a high cbd, low/medium thc strain.

After hours of scouring sites ive narrowed it down to a few but would love your opinions and advice please.

-tangelo rapido auto
-med gom 1.0 auto
-sin tra bajo auto
-haze automatic
-malana bomb auto

Awh yeh i saw a few people saying that autos are not too great outdoors. But then some people rate them well good. Im not after loads to be honest, but obviously i want them to work and get some yield.
Hi Jack! :)

Our lovely Aunty Mossy grows outdoors and she's done alright for herslef :rofl: (although in spain!)

I've never done an outdoor grow - seems a bit brave with the UK weather. I'm subbed to a medi gom thread and i'll find it & link it back to you (although being done indoors)

Ill ask around to see if i can get someone to pop in with some outdoor uk grow advice :)

All the best
Blue ^_^

(ps .. I'd probably go for medi gom as it's DP and i rate them)

Although ... there's a ducks foot coming out from DP (not auto - but should be great for stealth ... then it's just the weather to worry about! :))

Edit: Here's the Medi Gom Thread i was thinking of
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Maybe Auto Mazar and let it amber a bit? Will this be a backyard grow, or guerrilla?
the deal with the dragons is----they can be planted in small areas unseen!!!!!!and will bud outside no matter when you plant.some are very hardy--I have grown dragons outside in december at 35 degree---they turn beautiful with cold weather and can be some ass kickin weed.
Here's one that i loved. An inexpensive option and a good one! To grow outdoors, start in sunny window or under grow lights then move outdoors after 3 or 4 nodes show. Really hardy plant almost imp, to screw up! Delicious seeds autos are also fantastic. More $ though. Hope this helped.
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Thanks for the replys everyone

Thetreeman - this will be a backyard grow in there final pots 15L with light mix soil

littleT - what do you mean dragons? sorry im a noob!

Dabble - thats so good you done Sin tra bajo, it was actually my very first one i chose to go with. Only i wish you done it outdoors so i could see rather than indoor under lights. Haha glad i went well for you though.

Im now slightly tempted by nyc diesel auto (barneys farm) too just because i narrowed it down on seedsman using there search drop down boxes and this strain was left.
Its a shame i cant find the cbd% though to see how high it is, seem to get that with the strains i like.

Cheers again people!
Okay so after a bit more research and emailing ive found some stuff out. Med gom 1.0 seems my best bet so far for what i want.

But also a few royal seeds strains havw poped up when narrowing down my search on seedsman, but the cbd content just says 'medium' rather than a percentage% which is really annoying also on royal seeds site its the same. Find on a lot of sites it just says low medium or high next to cbd, which is annoying because some sites low could be like 0-1% and some could be 2-5% and thats a big difference when it comes to this kind of thing i would have thought.... So anyway i used the chat now funtion on royal seeds site to ask and they said any of there seeds with 'medium' cbd content is 3-6% cbd. ...They also said there good to go outdoors in uk, which is sound! So now im also intrested in...

Royal Kush automatic
Royal Jack Automatic

Both have medium cbd content (3-6%) royal jack is just more sativa and royal kush more indica.

So in the current mix now is,

Royal Kush Auto
Royal Jack Auto
Med Gom 1.0 Auto