@Mañ'O'Green - here is my attempt to provide the best info I can. I will be using CAPS LOCK/
bold for the information that seems most relevant to me

By the way thanks for asking to take pictures in daylight, the symtoms dont look as bad as in the tent.
This is my water report – I translated it from my native language. It doesn’t include calcium and magnesium….
But it has AMONIUM and “chlorides”. Do you think my water has chloramine or chlorine?
Aluminium: 0.02mg/l
Amonium: 0.03 mg/L
Iron: 0.08mgL
Fluorides: 0.17mg/L
Chlorides (plural?): 75mg/L
Manganese - 0.02mlL
Natrium: 34mg/L
Nitrit (s) 0.003mg/L
Oxidizing ability(?) KMn04 – 2.3mg/L
PH: 7.3
Sulfates: 41mg/L
Copper: 0.05mg/L
I will use Hannah scale for Ec measurements. And answer to your question is "yes -tap water is 300 ppm aka 0.6EC.
Problem: Yellowing/chlorosis(?) from TOP leaves starting day 35. Up to day 35 everything was almost perfect. (SMALL nute burn starting day 24, but so small it didnt get worse))
Medium/grow method: 100%CANNA (pre buffered) coco coir in 15 litre plastic pot. Watering is done by gravity aka "Autopot" system - it bottom feeds and refills the tray, when plants drinks everything..
Feed and supplements used: Sorry, wont be able to provide NPK, but I used Canna Coco light feeding chart and went even lower than their recommendations. However I reduced the feed evenly for all nutes, as to avoid relatively disproportionate amounts.
Autopot system is meant to start bottom watering when plant is big enough, roughly 15-25 days. ALL MY PPMs are including the RO + tap+ calmag base.700 ppm means a 200ppm base of RO/tap/calmag and 500 ppm of nutes.
Day 0 - day23 = handwatering to 20-30% runoff. Ph about 6, ppm 500-600. Runoff EC good.
Day 23 - day30: Autopot turned on. 12 litres of 650 ppm water, 5.65 PH. SLIGHT NUTE BURN. I mean barely visible burned tips on leaves
Day 30 - day37: 15 litres, 700 ppm, 5.65PH. Didnt increase PPM due to last weeks nute burn. Nut the burn was so small I didnt want to lower it.
day 37 - today: I lowered the PPM to 600 AND the PH to 5.55. My guess was iron,zinc def and I read that lowering ph can help iron/zinc absorption. Has it gotten better? No, but I also cannot tell how much worse it has gotten, not too much.
Water source: 80% RO/20% tap = 50ppm or 0.1 ec. I add Canna calmag to reach 0.4ec and then I add Canna nutes (A+B, Cannzym, Rhizotonic). Water PH is reservoir 5.6-5.9 (it drifts to 5.9 in 3-4days) Water PH in tray (bottom feed) = 5.7-6.1. PH OF WATER HAS NEVER BEN ABOVE 6.1
Strain and age: Mephisto S.O.D.K - day 40
Climate: 24/0 light, so climate is consistent. Temps 25-26 celsium (maybe a bit LOW for leds) and humidity 60-70%. Ambient temps around 23 celsium and ~60-65% humidity. Due to , in my opinion, insufficient leaf temps with led lights, the VPD may not be ideal, but it is nowhere close "bad"
Light used: Kingbrite 240wwith cree red and Mars ts1000. Distance varies,I go more by DLI. DLI is about 37 now. That is for my lights 24-26k lux for 24/0
dditional info: Sorry, cannot measure PH in root zone. Everything was PERFECT until day 35. On day 35 I noticed 4 leaves, that look like the ones in pictures, but in a bit better shape. 5 days later - and a large part of the top canopy has become yellowish. Whether the progression is fast or slow, I have no reference point.
What have I done to remedy the situation?
1) Posted on forums

2) Reduced the PH to 5.55, because I suspected a micronutrient deficiency and iron/zinc get absorbbed better at lower ph. I dont think it helped.
3) Added a little bit more tap water to my reservoir. From day 37 to today the PPM of tap water in res is about 100.
a)Why did I add tapwater? I dont believe it is a PH lockout,I measured the PH regularly.... I suspected that 50 ppm of tapwater isnt enough MICRONUTRIENTS for a plant. And I think CANNA COCO line has very little to no micronutrients in their feeds.
P.S. Photos 6 and 7 used flash.
Thanks for at least rading this

I suspect that a flush will be recommended anyways.
A general question.
If you encounter a deficiency of my magnitude in COCO, do you just flush or try to fix it? From what I have read, it seems sometimes its easier to just flush, no?
I know its very hard to diagnose online ,I see this as a learning experience