Help. Calmag root ph or both? Flush?

test the runoff first again, after that filtering I suggested to clear the solution up some,.. what's the resolution on the test kit? decent ones will be +/- 0.2 gradients on the color chart,...
Did some and pig came at 6.5 after about a gallon. My PH test kit is general hydroponics, resulting .5
... here's the problem: pH is a logarithmic scale, meaning each jump 1.0 is in fact a 10-fold increase/decrease,.. with a resolution of 0.5, your pH of 6.5 might be 7.0 or 6.0 with that margin of error,.. not good enough, simply put,.. in this example, the solutions would be entirely different to deal with either borderline too alkaline or too acidic pH,...:doh:... the dropper kits for aquariums will be +/- 0.2,....
All things considered, it's likely this is a lack-of defc., not a lock-out, so up the bloom feeds to get more P and K in there,...