World Wide Help build a new pictorial diagnostic Blog

This is ol' burnt tip. I really didnt even get any usable trim off her. WEIRD little grease monkey. it grew the weird upside down leaf in my first post today, as well.

afn damage photos (2).jpg
afn damage photos (5).jpg

Feel free to use this however you see fit. I have this happening in my tent right now and would appreciate input so I can correct it. CDLC Day 42 from sprout.
You have my permission to use any picture form my are some samples:




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I want to build a pictorial diagnostic blog that will be the envy of all Cannabis web sites. Instead of us going there I want them coming here. I need our entire community to help me with this.

I want Your best "Worst" pictures of your deficient, sick or bug infected plants. You know the ones you took but were too embarrassed to post.

Do not offer the problems or solution just the pictures. Do not copy any from the web anywhere and state that AFN has permission to reuse your pictures in your post without it I will not use it. They must be your original pictures for copy right protections.

@Global Moderators @Gladiators @Admin Please spread the word.
Here's another one for you, with full permission from me the photographer.

Started out as slight interveinal chlorosis and brownish spots, progressed to this over about a week. Had I known it would get this clear, I would have done a sequence... The grow is described in the infirmary as of a few minutes ago if that is of interest.

cal mag problem.jpg

Over or under water?? (I already know what it is but for the new grower, do you?)
enjoy! lol no idea whats wrong here but suspecting overwater


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