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this is a Chemdogging. She was HUGE.
Man, I do enjoy enjoy looking at weed, but I think all these pics are better than most bud porn. Makes me feel not so bad about the mistakes I make, knowing I'm not the only one.

Let me see that I can find.....
This leaf is so cool. I cant remember whether it came from a photo or an auto. I think an auto, from the date. weird eh? though not the weirdest one, its the only one I photographed.View attachment 1233444
I have that in my grow now on at least two plants Click on this and zoom in and look around there are several.

I have that in my grow now on at least two plants Click on this and zoom in and look around there are several.

View attachment 1233663
Wow. Neat leaves. With I had photos of my tripod. VERY first grow, I got a 3fer. She was trilateral, instead of bi. three calyodons(? baby leaves), three of every leaf, and once it got going, it had 3 colas out the gate. I was a dummy and killed it. Not on purpose. I've never seen another, nor really many genetic deformities, unless I was revegging. That's why I took a photo of that leaf. Now I know y'all are doing this, I'll take photos of anything i find and post em up. I never really documented that stuff before, and all the photos I have that have damage/disease in them are mostly from my grow resume', an external drive with sprout/veg/harvest of every plant I have ever grown. the damage couldn't be avoided in them. Like this Chemdogging. Yes, another one. I've gotten her every time I ran out till this last, when Mephisto wont open up for US sales.
Here is a few pics she was getting the same as all the others and even flushing it to try to see of it had to much or ph was off for some reason but so far I've not got