World Wide Help build a new pictorial diagnostic Blog

This is not a big can of worms it is so much bigger then that. It has to be a community project. We are building Rome here and it aint going to happen overnight.

We do not need to know what actually caused a leaf or plant to look a certain way. If it looks like a classical calcium deficiency then that is what it is. Many things look similar and that information needs to be presented

The thing about the blog is we can lead people through different levels (Environmental or Media) and then pages of the most common cause for what they are seeing. All along the way they can click on a link to the infirmary It is going to use a lot of pictures when ever possible.
Hey mog, are genetic defects also welcome? If so you can use this picture
genetic defect.jpg
I have a bunch of pica of the same exact thing but I honestly don't know what it is, I can post it here but I don't know what it is. I do have amazing example of light burn where every cola and most leaves are crispy but that I have to wait a bit to get.

Here is...
Deep Water Culture
Suffocation from no air source/failed air stone leading to burning/crisping/rapid death and generally unfixable laves at a much more rapid pace than other methods of decay.

On my first grow I was stupid enough to stick the res inside the tent. High temps, low oxygen and pH somewhere between 7.5 and 8 ended doing this to my Girl Scout Cookie auto.

Still managed to harvest 250 grams of pretty dam decent bud from the poor girl, thanks to those outstanding fast buds genes.
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Major light burn from high intensity LED with UV and IR in DWC and calmag issue due to intensity of light

Wind burn along with heat burn from a fan circulating air from near a hot zone in a tent directly on to a few leaves and resulting bud. Dwc under led lighting.
So I should just post them here? I've got quite an archive of photos, im sure I've got a few dozen yall can use. This is the only one I have on hand. I call her of' burnt tip.
I'll dig through my archives for you
IMG_1834 (2).JPG
Here's another one. I just found it. Still hunting. I dont get many that have problems, so I have to go way back to when I first started, but I'm getting there. Once in a while I have an accident, one with weak genetics, or like the other day I fall on one and snap it off at the base. I cried. One I have HATES too much light, too much food, too much air.. pretty much everything. I gotta baby her. Not this one. I dunno wtf ol' burnt tips problem is. She is a grease monkey
IMG_1836 (2).JPG