Live Stoners Hello :)

Hi, thanks for the welcome.
Odd stuff the coco. I'm using Canna Pro w Canna Nutes Sometimes. Today I was preparing coco for a sprouted bag-seed photo, in a lltr square pot- initial out ph was 4.9- in was 6.0. managed to get it up to 5.5 with a 600ppm sol of cal/mag/canna start.
Took me 4ltrs of flushing a relatively small amount of coco to get it at an acceptable ph level- although i do believe I do not fully understand the ph processes of coco and there is a good thread on it in the Coco section. Off to read it now, toodle pip :peace::goodluck:
Basic premise is that cocoa is a blank canvass. You decide the nutrient content! Regular feed, as per your preferences, or rather the plants preferences (best not let it dry out completely though...)! It can be a bugger to re-wet! Blimey, who'd have thought I'd remember that from horti-college...:coffee:...All the best and remember...there's hardly any 'grub' in cocoa (if I remember correctly...there's a fair chance I don't!) 555 :hookah:
Thanks for that Krug, my problem is the run-off (why do I always seem to have questions and problems?) - why initially so acidic runoff in the 4 range? Dodgy bag?
I was using a coco - perlite mix before, tbh i think ill go back to that- my pure coco is just about out. I mixed i myself last time & i put a bit tooooooooooo much perlite in. (enuff to get algae in, 1st time i've ever heard of it)

They're not growing much- bugger it - 14 / 10 " at 4 weeks? I read growth takes off weeks 4-6 but thats photos isn't it? Mine are shortys to date. Not typical of mazars- I think they may be slightly nitrogen tox'ed- bit dark and very slight blue-y tinge on the leaf . They smell fucking beautiful though.
Growing is like meditation, ye get it right for a while then ye have a wrecked head again :)
Thanks for that Krug, my problem is the run-off (why do I always seem to have questions and problems?) - why initially so acidic runoff in the 4 range? Dodgy bag?
I was using a coco - perlite mix before, tbh i think ill go back to that- my pure coco is just about out. I mixed i myself last time & i put a bit tooooooooooo much perlite in. (enuff to get algae in, 1st time i've ever heard of it)

They're not growing much- bugger it - 14 / 10 " at 4 weeks? I read growth takes off weeks 4-6 but thats photos isn't it? Mine are shortys to date. Not typical of mazars- I think they may be slightly nitrogen tox'ed- bit dark and very slight blue-y tinge on the leaf . They smell fucking beautiful though.
Growing is like meditation, ye get it right for a while then ye have a wrecked head again :)
No worries bro they are still young on week 4, they should start stretching very soon! And you read well that, autos growth takes off week 4-6
@BudsLover - hehe I just learnt how to do that :vibe:
I've had that mad stretching period every plant i've ever grown, you get up every morning & look for the tape measure before your coffee n smokah.
Thanks for the faith , bro :) :pass:
I've seen Mazars go 100 days, so on that one i'm not worried. I'm hoping vert growth will kick off and they won't just flower - back to veg nutes after one 1ltr of pre-flower nutes 2 days ago. The Mazar on dutch passion on Youtube goes 12 weeks - week 1 is week 0 there, if u get me. I'm keeping up with that video with the non-stunted one.
But then I read somewhere of a 5 foot something (outdoor) mazar at 33 days or something and got all jealous :)
@derek420colorado Cheers lad, hoping to try that next in space no 2 with some hbsc or gsc - they just sound so good... or an I falling for sexeh names? I'll need to look around for the practicals for dwc growing also- buckets n that. I "could" get a 4x4 tent, but i'm also trying not to accumulate stuff before moving to catalonia, and i'll need to sell the gaff and that will suck cos i won't be able to do anything. It's legal over there :) Cannabis clubs of an evening. I can't wait! You're in a legal state too, I bet it rocks!
@derek420colorado Cheers lad, hoping to try that next in space no 2 with some hbsc or gsc - they just sound so good... or an I falling for sexeh names? I'll need to look around for the practicals for dwc growing also- buckets n that. I "could" get a 4x4 tent, but i'm also trying not to accumulate stuff before moving to catalonia, and i'll need to sell the gaff and that will suck cos i won't be able to do anything. It's legal over there :) Cannabis clubs of an evening. I can't wait! You're in a legal state too, I bet it rocks!

yes yes it does rock! I am in the land of milk and honey as they say. HONEY OIL hahahahah I love daaaaaaaabs [HASHTAG]#dabchurch[/HASHTAG] glad to have you here for sure and if you have any questions about growin bud in water there are PRO's here @Grim Reefer and @IndicaIVoz @witchyhour and myself all grow in the deepest of water cultures lol and we love getting new folks over to the Dank Side lol
Dabs, honey oil- i can't wait to try, I hear all about this stuff from international friends but I' m trapped on a tiny grim damp island with humidity in the 70s most days without honey oil.
. It has not found its way here, or none have been brave enough to try make it. Had a peek at some y'tube vids on making it - my chemistry & physics aren't the fred west, looks complicated to me! I hear it'll level ye to the couch?

What do you recc for the basic setup? I have seen where its one bucket sitting in another with an aerator pump in there, I might just start one next week, cos I need to be done by Jan. Any recc for essential equip? I'l have to check out nutes (any reccs for dwc? I guess I could still stay with canna but just change the a&b to hydro... also as canna coco a&b won't cut it. I prefer to buy seeds in cash in person rather than on the net, so could probably get something I'd like to grow monday in the city.

Dammit now i'll be trying dwc next week cos :LikeWeed:. Youse an' your ideas !!!! I've wanted to give it a lash for a while now, and why not when I have people to advise.. cheers!
I'm in the process of doing a grow diary, It's just started for the mazars, going to go take pics now and update grow log. I'll add the url when It's presentable.
It's good to be back growing again :bump: