Live Stoners Hello :)

Hi,thanks, I have good airflow in & out- I got a double rhino inline fan controller- couldn't live without it now. I have the out fan ducted to the tent, attached to the carbon filter.
Its kind of backwards, but it works well.
have 2 10" clip-on fans in the tent also, one for light and the other for the plants.If both are on, the temps hit 29, this trigs the out fan & cranks up to 100%. So normally just use one.
Doing a bag-seed 'experiment, I found one in some, haze, one in cheese. 99% likely to be photos.
Will need to either connect tents for airflow- and that won't really work- I've seen it done but the spaces are too awkward to connect together, or get new air control equip for the small tent soon enough. But it will work out cheaper in the long run to do that.
I'm all for perpetual growing, and have managed it before, popping one or 2 per month, and it's great while it's working. Tbh if the bagseed does not impress me within 3 weeks i'll get some mephisto genetics, I've been eager to try their products for a while now!
Saw how to start in a small pot, big pot underneath, bottom cut out of smaller put- class idea! I'm a bitch for transplanting as ones I start in big pots seem to take aaaaages to get established.
Hi there! ,welcome :) looking forward to seeing you new dwc grows !! :) :welcome::jointman:
Hi , thanks for the welcome! :pighug:
I can't wait either- :) the results are impressive! I've only used coco/perlite to date.
Heres a pic of them earlier today. The bigger one is only a foot tall, but really wide reaching in places, which is why they are at that angle- my light is at that angle also. I don't want biggie to feel restrained in any way. Droopy lucy there was perky until fed y'day. I don't know if she is a different pheno, i'm guessing I damaged her during transplant, but I'm not going to be doing that again, "experience defeats arguments" lol.
No sign of nute burn, I upped the feed to suit the stage, to canna 'normal feed' , got their first taste of 'Boost" yesterday. It's more expensive per ml than a good whiskey so they better appreciate it :) Now thinking I should have kept hem at veg level still. You live & learn, eh.
In other related news, one bag-seed has popped, so I'll be throwing me hand at photos again- and taking this thread off to a grow diary for the mazars- me 1st plant , a Lemon Sour Diesel from clone, was pretty good- but I had a friend telling me what to do, about 2010. I never understood why we added bat guano or any of that. I'm thinking of going organic with it. Then I'm thinking, just use up what you have and slowly move over as I run out. I've a full set of A&B unopened so that'll be christmas!
Plus I'm emigrating next year to Catalonia- the less stuff I have, the better. I'll also have a period of time with my house for sale, which will suck. Shouldn't be long though. Maybe a month. There is a housing shortage here.
So, I'm off to figure out how to start a growing diary for these auto mazars ( auto masseurs keeps coming up in autocorrect, fnarr fnarr)
Thanks for the great :welcome: back
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I like your name. I'm obsessed with Kubrick films :)
Well, thanks my dear, Kubrick's movies are in fact straight up freakin nice!
Not yet, i believe it's best to not let them get the taste for the trichs, as they become partial.
You should let the cat try the leaves without tricomes, i know a cat looking similar who does like the leaves more than regular cat weed- its healthy salad and because off the little ruffness of the leaves surface it can get rid of the swallowed hair better. But i wouldnt let the cat get near the plant it would eat too much leaves so theres only sticks left :biggrin: already seen that, not a pretty sight! :nono::kitty:
I'm a multi kitteh household, in my media theres a pic of the huge orange one too. In the bath with a "Quick One"
William Burroughs postulates that cats are our psychic companions, I find that a fascinating concept.
I could rant on all day about Kubrick, his films are just so .... perfect. I'm 'toxed down to re-watching just 2 a week now.
The big cat goes outdoors, and sits in hedges full of greenfly etc, so he is not allowed upstairs anymore.
Funny enough the white one in my sig is the one who goes mad to eat grass, and when she 'escapes' outside, she's so easy to catch as she just eats grass in the garden. I'd say given half a chance she'd eat young plants.
Welcome to afn ,growing in coco to ,just learning how to use it myself,did good in organic soil so might as well try something new