Live Stoners Hello :)

Jan 19, 2016
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Hiya people, I'm back and trying harder! I started growing on my own over a year ago, had a few harvests, nothing special apart from a RQS "Quick One" that reached 3ft, best plant eva... and I still only got about 2 zips dry from that!
I've got 2 auto mazars in a small tent under a Mars hydro 300w , in canna pro coco & perlite, 11ltr sq pots.
Have to say they are doing well after being a little cal mag deficient.
I use the Canna range of Nutrients and have aktrivator (must try that today), super thrive & Calmag. / epsom salts, oh and Rhino Skin silica from AN.
Working on yields with these mazars, and hope to try DWC on my next bean.
Nice ta meetcha , GG175
Cheers, I took a pic just there, what does it mean if hey are very slightly "crossing a finger"- noticed it just there
Also have a touch of algae in me perlite in the smaller one, I have been feeding or flushing @ 600ppm daily lately, partly as I read to water to 10% runoff daily in coco? Any Ideas? I read some people use covers to stop the light getting at the perlite, was wondering what I could use to make one out of.... a black bag?
I stunted one , 'the cat' ahem! knocked one over when transplanting (no, I won't be doing that again), although it was always smaller- it was a remarkably small seed. I've heard this doesn't matter? Hmmm.
Here they are at day 23, I might hit them with some aktrivator, do you think it's best to keep feeding every day (I have no nute burn yet!) or should I let them dry out a bit- does this help the roots go in search of food?
Ph in is 6.1, ph out is 5.9. See if I can attach dis pic... yesssss
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@growgrrl75 !

To AFN!!!
I like pot
So do I , i don't like handin' over dollar dollar for it tho' ;)
I've sussed the smaller one is overwatered, she was a remarkably tiny seed but i was giving her same as her vigorous sister. Def let that one dry out for a day or 3.
Not hitting with acktrivator today as just want that perlite to dry out, 1st time i've seen algae in me grow space. Just copped the reason that plant is so small is probably as she was droopy all the time from overwatering, she never seemed to 'stretch' much unlike her sis, who is a nice size for 23 days under LED. I'm being a total hover-parent, today I introduced an extra LED light for 2 hours but took it out as it kept the temps going over, so the ext the fan on full to manage the temps, jet engine in me closet al day- no damage done anyway.
Any comments on what i could be doing better- please don't hesitate to suggest to me, i won't be offended- goal is to maximise yeild.
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Well, she's dried out and much more perky than day 23. Today is day 25 and see a white pistil on one :0. They stink pleasantly.
And are looking nice and green and healthy.
Algae not totally gone, but much less of it.
Thanks for the support and good wishes - I can go wrong with a Mazar LOL- I was ill a few months ao, and tried to grow one in a 10 ltr airpot.
Plant wouldn't thrive past about 10 days, looked like spider mite bites (white little dots on the leaves)- but no SM's anywhere. So i called it quits. Couldn't figure it out at all. Probably ph or root issues looking back, the tent is SM free zone for now. I watch for the little feckers every day. I never ever want to meet 'em again, it's a war.
Will fed next round edges alright, the coco/ perlite mix is still holding water.
Hopefully i'll not go wrong with these ones, cheers :)
Those algae were bothering me on the smaller plant (she's 9" now, the midget) other one is 12", but lost her 'droopy' look. I picked out as much green-stained perlite as I could and added about 1" layer of dry canna coco pro. Hope this stops the light getting at them. I read algae can cause ph fluctuations if left untended?
I did let them dry to for 72 hours, got no runoff from the 1ltr I gave smallie- I wonder what her problem is? , 25% runoff from biggie was 6.1- what I put in.
Thought I saw a SM last night, but It was a grain of coco, Im pretty much 100% sure as I've been looking at them practically hourly , took them out & fed them, 2nd opinion sought etc, no sign of bites or anything. SMs are me worst fear!
Gt a new PH pen & freebie probe fluid cleaner / & storage solution. I am an idiot with ph pens, I'm on my 6th in 18 mths- Learnt me (expensive) lesson! Take care of your ph pens ppl!
Don't leave them in the bathroom in steamy conditions, or on ledges for your cat to knock over! Or on the floor so you can walk on em. And those little screwdrivers on those cheap ph pens make me wanna f**k it against a wall.
Onwards & upwards, have a chilled day, thanks :)