Lighting Hello New here and need some advice on my DIY LED Adventure : )

Feb 19, 2017
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First i would like to say hello lol and that I am not a autoflower grower but cam here cause you guys seem active lol.

Need some help with a selection.

My list is what I can afford so please don't tell me to get some unaffordable shit lol not a word I know its cool lol.

K so here goes I have 10 1212 clu048 citi chips this is what i have and all i will buy for this current diy build. I have 3500k atm

I have 2x = 2x2x4 tents (trying a perpetual)(need help on that still) I want to do a flower tent and a
veg one if possible but main focus is the flower tent.

I am in a debate either run a

meanwell hlg240h c1400 --- running 4 cobs
meanwell hlg240h c700 --- running 8 cobs

I will use 24inch heatsinks

Now I can buy 2 c1400 and do 2 panels one for veg one for flower

What specs should i use what would u use in this combo I am trying to do lol

Also this is not for selling just me and the wifey meds also in my 2x2 with w/e setup we decide together should I run 1 plant or 2 this ain't no commercial grow lol its just for personal use with wanting a perpetual thanks

If you think I should throw most cobs in flower tent and less in the veg let me know. Thanks folks hope to get some help here.
Hey happy to see you stop in.

What I can tell you from experience is cob wattage is no comparison to LED or hps wattage. For a 2x2 space 100 watts would be a lot. What I'd do would be 4 cobs at 25 watts each. This is ideal but could also be done with 2 50 watt cobs.

My recommendation you would need a hlg-185-c700 this would run 4 cobs at 25w each with plenty of room to spare.
Hey happy to see you stop in.

What I can tell you from experience is cob wattage is no comparison to LED or hps wattage. For a 2x2 space 100 watts would be a lot. What I'd do would be 4 cobs at 25 watts each. This is ideal but could also be done with 2 50 watt cobs.

My recommendation you would need a hlg-185-c700 this would run 4 cobs at 25w each with plenty of room to spare.

Thanks for the welcome. So your saying 100 watts is more then enough for a 2x2 grow kinda keeps me limited don't you think or no ?

I have 10 cobs and 2 tents 2x2 I would like one for veg and one floor if possible so what spectrum u think.

Now I see timberkits has a 250 watt setup for a 2x2 some one has steared me to but I rather build it my own so now u say 100 is more then enough lol crazy world o led lol
Hempy I run 2 ds60 tents and I would go for 2 hlg 120-c700b and run 6 cobs in the flower tent =150w
and 4 for veg =100w also get 2 100k pots to fine tune your tents to get the most out of your plants
atb nudd
Nice so why people tell me 250 watts to aim for Jesus lol k what do you mean by 100 pot
For fine tune sorry if it's a newbish question

Also is 4000k best for veg in led do I want the 3500k for any reason and what about the 3000k ty
The "b" ballast is dimmable, So adding pots Will make you able to turn down to lower wattage if It is too heavy on your plants...

You could check bigsm0's growjournal sure you will like the 1lbl with 220w part of it :)
Lol nice so I get the 2 diff ballast run 6 for flower and 4 for veg k sounds good so what kelvin combo.

Also if I want 250 in my 2x2 can't I use a c1400 to achieve this or maybe do 2 heatsink panels idk
Well if you allready got the 10x3500k then Just use them, people seem to find them fine for veg... If you want to buy extra cobs then maybe 4000k for veg.

If you thinking about a bigger tent in the future you could go for a more powerfull dimmable driver. Then it would bedste easy to turn your setup into a lovely 4x4 setup...
100k potentiometer if you get the B spec driver (same price ) you can wire the pots to dim the lights so as not to fry your plants
what I mean by fine tune is not all plants are going to like 150w of high power cobs straight away you can reduce the light to suit
then slowly turn the light up as the plant grows
3500k will do both veg and flower
as for the 250w you've been recommended I have no idea why
If you planned on a bigger tent in the future id definitely get the 185-700 driver. Use the cobs you have and keep it as simple as possible. Sure you could add and change things up now but it's not worth the hassle for the small gain.