For simplicity I would get a bag of roots organic soil, mix in maybe 1/3 of a #1 nursery pot full of steer manure and add about 3 table spoons of lime to it. Start and finish in a 2 gallon pot. This will eliminate you needing any veg nutrients. The steer manure and lime will cost you about half what a bottle of veg nutrients will cost. When you mix your soil wait at least 2 weeks min before you use it 30 days is best. Get some Epsom salt and bloom for nutrients. You might not need the Epsom but I would have it on hand just incase you run in to a mag def later down the road. It is also very cheep. You will start to feed around day 30-35 your bloom nutrients.
One thing I can say with organics that helps me is run the largest pot you can fit in your grow space. It makes growing easer. You don't have to water as much, you don't have to feed as much, its harder to swing the PH and its easer to grow a large plant. If you roam around the organics section there is quiet a few different styles of organics. I think the easiest way is using amendments in the soil and eliminating bottles all together but the cost of getting all the amendments can be a little expensive. After you get every thing though they last so long its worth it and they don't go sour and have a way longer shelf life than bottled nutrients. I run a 600W HPS with a full bag of soil per plant but even growing under my old 250 HPS in a 24"x24" room I would still run the same amount of soil. I like to do 1 plant under a 250 but have grown 4 plants in 1 pot with good results.