so with the 1 gallon pots i think the soil is a 10 pounds of soil I'm not for shure idk if it is or not if u guys can help here is the link for that now is there anything else besides tools spray bottles etc i will need
now once i get everything set up i will be post pics and showing the set up i have
next most important thing i will wait for is the led light I'm going to go and see the specs on it now and u guys tell me if its good enough for 6 plants witch i don't think it will but since the box is not to crazy big i also have a t5 or t12 long light as well for seedlings witch i think i might use it for underneath the plants or between them so all around it will get some type of exposure
I do not know how much 1 gallon of soil weighs because it changes depending on your mixture and if your soil is compressed.
I have a mars hydro 300 watter LED and it is nice. I got it on the suggestion of a member here.
I also have an el cheapo $10 walmart special grow light that i use for other plants and it should work for this purpose.