New Grower Hello need some help bit of confusion here new timer

so with the 1 gallon pots i think the soil is a 10 pounds of soil I'm not for shure idk if it is or not if u guys can help here is the link for that now is there anything else besides tools spray bottles etc i will need

now once i get everything set up i will be post pics and showing the set up i have

next most important thing i will wait for is the led light I'm going to go and see the specs on it now and u guys tell me if its good enough for 6 plants witch i don't think it will but since the box is not to crazy big i also have a t5 or t12 long light as well for seedlings witch i think i might use it for underneath the plants or between them so all around it will get some type of exposure

I do not know how much 1 gallon of soil weighs because it changes depending on your mixture and if your soil is compressed.

I have a mars hydro 300 watter LED and it is nice. I got it on the suggestion of a member here.
I also have an el cheapo $10 walmart special grow light that i use for other plants and it should work for this purpose.
I also use the Mars Hydro LED's they are inexpensive and produce well for me.
yes but u know it came with this box and i think no one should ever spend the money on a grow box like this why because its feels poorly made for one and 2 every thing i think is generic speaking terms when it comes to the plant when they sent the box it was labeled as a sauna so this mean i think they took everything out of it that would make it a grow bow lol plus shipping it came in as big 500 pound pallet lol then shipping was just about 600 he said so it was a bit of money the led i spoke of is 5watt but I'm shure it won't be truly 5 wats if it is then i know after time it will go down i wonder if putting or adding a extra light will suffice as well more light better yield etc also i have a big co2 tank soon getting a regulator etc for it how much is good to start out with and when should i start it should it be like a dripper realized a certain amount all at once or little at a time and let it run all day ? at 4psi
thank u miss and ripper I'm going to look in wally world for more stuff is there a link to the mars led how many do u have and for how many plants would lets say 6 in this box do just fine with the mars along with the 5 watt one i have or u guys think I'm over thinking things lol
thank u miss and ripper I'm going to look in wally world for more stuff is there a link to the mars led how many do u have and for how many plants would lets say 6 in this box do just fine with the mars along with the 5 watt one i have or u guys think I'm over thinking things lol
I was out, sorry for a slow reply!

I think you're over thinking it. How many LEDs does it have? like what's the total draw at the wall, it should tell you if they are really 5 watt leds or not. If they are, i would guess the grow cabinet would have enough light for at least two or three as long as its in the right spectrum of light. But I'm still learning, maybe @pop22 can give a better answer for me. @pop22 is my mentor here and is coaching me through my first grow. You can read my exploits so far and maybe get some other knowledge from my thread too, I asked a lot of questions that you may have.


I have this mars hydro 300w it's $99.99 usd on amazon right now

the 600 watter is on sale for 169.99 at amazon.

Everyone is different, but if you are going for 600 watts i personally would get 2x300 watt units in case one breaks you still have one to salvage your gals until a repair or a new light comes.

I honestly couldn't tell you how many plants you will get out of it because I only want to grow one or two at a time max (as silly as that sounds). I enjoy the idea of boutique growing.

I'm sure you're over thinking it a bit. But I'm obsessive at times over things and then other times i'll chill from it. So I think keep excited about it, but read the basics of hydroponics if you are going hydro, or try reading the thread on organic growing. I'm finding it super easy to go organic over hydro. I also am looking at making my own autopot system but don't have the time to make it.

So I'd say :pass:
yes i am to and thank u I'm growing all organic the voltage on it is ACc85-265v so i think it is a true 5 was led from hydroponics i am growing all organic if u look i went with roots organic the soil i got the 1.5cf i think thats about 10 gallons i got 3 of those for start then i got 1 gallon organic pots they keep the plant warm etc i got the go box from the other company and i got 1 gallon of bloom from organic roots and also grow as well that was today will be setting up in a week now how ever i am new i have grown before but the issue was i didn't have everything i only had 1 hps 1k watt and a 150 watt hps i had a lot of nutriments etc but sad to say i had to leave that state so i gave everything to my buddy who lived next to me lol and now i figure fuck it smaller grow now here is my first grow with auto bubblelouis or how ever u say it lol it smelled ok and it was very small i fucked up the feeding cycle and so forth I've been trying to grow for years and now i can really give my all to it i always go through the veg stages this was my first one to really go

from this i have been trying to do my best this time temps will be correct its pushed air meaning the heat is pushed in i will have windows unit air coming in where i have the box at if u look i also have other videos back then when i was growing u can see i bonsai the plant and topped one of em to how it goes and that was my baby is was sturdy but then again it could of been a reggie seed that was doing nice i will be here for a long time if there is anything people need let me know I'm a computer tech and i work for my self i know about legal and illegal but for educational reason only what ever is said here is not bound by me and i take no responablty of what happens lol just like to put that out there
I started with a pair of 300 watt Mars lights, the older one with three watt chips. and don't pay much attetion to that really. the new lights actual run at a lower wattage than the old ones. Newer chips are more efficient when run "soft", ie, below their max rating, yet can put out more photons than the pervious generation chips.
I'd also get the pair of 300 watt lights as that give you the ability to spread the light out more. As to reliability, i've had mine about 2 1/2 years now with zero issues.

Also, topled on ebay has then for I think $72 shipped. i bought mine from them as they are tied to Mars Hydro.

I was out, sorry for a slow reply!

I think you're over thinking it. How many LEDs does it have? like what's the total draw at the wall, it should tell you if they are really 5 watt leds or not. If they are, i would guess the grow cabinet would have enough light for at least two or three as long as its in the right spectrum of light. But I'm still learning, maybe @pop22 can give a better answer for me. @pop22 is my mentor here and is coaching me through my first grow. You can read my exploits so far and maybe get some other knowledge from my thread too, I asked a lot of questions that you may have.


I have this mars hydro 300w it's $99.99 usd on amazon right now

the 600 watter is on sale for 169.99 at amazon.

Everyone is different, but if you are going for 600 watts i personally would get 2x300 watt units in case one breaks you still have one to salvage your gals until a repair or a new light comes.

I honestly couldn't tell you how many plants you will get out of it because I only want to grow one or two at a time max (as silly as that sounds). I enjoy the idea of boutique growing.

I'm sure you're over thinking it a bit. But I'm obsessive at times over things and then other times i'll chill from it. So I think keep excited about it, but read the basics of hydroponics if you are going hydro, or try reading the thread on organic growing. I'm finding it super easy to go organic over hydro. I also am looking at making my own autopot system but don't have the time to make it.

So I'd say :pass:
I have 4 of them but I have a bigger grow space... you could get one bigger one that would cover your space pretty well... 6 plants in 1 gallon pots might be doable.
wow! What a deal!
I wish i had the cash for a second one, i bet in a few more months it will be $60 :smoking:
i got one a few months ago for 62.00 before they went up..