Hey there good sir. I too definitely recommend sticking around dude. The few rules we have are one of several key reason why this site is purely the best, especially for autoflowering cannabis. Take TBM seriously, but keep in mind he is here to help every single one of us out and to maintain that the site runs as smoothly as possible, and that includes "nipping in the butt" as Spels put it. No worries though dude, and no hard feelings.
We all have each others' backs here. I like to think of this place as my personal grow team, but this also includes friendships and overall communication in a very positive way. Sometimes one must just agree to disagree, know what I mean?
So browse around. There are thousands and thousands of very informative posts here. Follow fellow members' grows and projects. Tell a joke in the General Chat section, tell us what kind of music and tv shows you like there too. That's a place to just kinda bullshit around not necessarily about growin' da herbs. Grow into us and let us grow into you and everything will be cool.
Take care.