Live Stoner Chat Hello im crate out of az usa

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Hi my name is Crate im a legal cultivator/medical card holder in az usa Im really wanting to push the science of autoflower here ...heres a little more info about me..
I do a product review and music review section in marijuana hillbilly magazine called tha stashspot if u are a artist group individual or company and have submissions ready bio links products pics ect... contact me
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Welcome crate. Most of us are old but still read pretty well. You can take the caps lock off.

Hang out and read some articles, there is a lot of info and the people that post here are the best in the world. Truly kind and helpful people.
Hello Crate, FatsWaller here, another old head from Az. Welcome to this AWESOME site. A wealth of knowledge and information about autoflowering marihuana. Great folks and kindred around here. We're "way up high" on the Rim. Jump in, the water's fine!! Puff, puff, pass
sorry bud my bad its just usally on sorry no disrespect at all i forgot ppl take it as yellin...oops..=]..good call..crate
i'll be looking around feel free to help me out im good on a site or forum after i know how it all works...thanks all for the welcome if u wanna get involved with mag or blog send info bio's links ect - contact me....:bong:
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Welcome aboard, crate. Just so you know, we don't do seed begging in the open forum. I suggest you hang around a bit, share some knowledge, and get to know the place. Always better to share with the community first rather than just showing up and asking people to send you stuff.
Hey crate, welcome to AFN. Perhaps if you'd like to advertise here you should contact Bailer Bud or another admin about purchasing a vendor section? It's the polite thing to do.
Hey crate, welcome to AFN. Perhaps if you'd like to advertise here you should contact Bailer Bud or another admin about purchasing a vendor section? It's the polite thing to do.

Well said, and thank you for the reminder.
tuff crowd sorry first it was the cap typing..geez and wasnt asking for ppl to send anything just asking where to find im new to all this finally legal and reg. in my state excuse me for being excited i wont post anymore i'll just read and delete my mebership after i find info of if i dont..thx guys it was cool..crate

its usally better to help some one in need then tear.em down btw thx gonna deleate my membership..