Live Stoner Chat hello from the sooner state

Welcome to AFN. You are not the only sooner here.

And I will agree that that the western part sucks big time and if it wasn’t for oil and gas there would not be any people living there, but the southeast rocks.

I am a Redneck
I am an Independent
and i hate that damn song.... too…!
Im north east part of the state. Lakes, hills and trees :)
I lived in the east part for one year in a town so small it’s not on most maps called white oak. You have my deepest sempthy
Not too far away from me in NW Arkansas. You will love autos. And you will never be happier with them outdoors. Just put them out, at the end of April, tend them through May and June, and harvest them in July, before the choppers start flying. You could stagger them and get 2 outdoor harvests a season, but I prefer having my babies harvested before the cops are in the air. Also the rippers aren't out in force, until photo flowering time.
I never really understood an entire state, that celebrated land thieves?? But go figure.

Have a great season, and be safe.
