New Grower Hello AFN!2nd grow started.Mephisto Grape Walker Kush!

Things are progressing explosively this grow around!
Hard to believe this is only 28 days from sprout!:yay:
I've been actively using LST for the past 2 weeks,and now she's starting to show flowers.
I like the shape I have,and I think I'm gonna let 'er rip,using only light training from here on out,as needed.
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Day 57 UPDATE:
She is growing huge! Filling out the 2.5'x4' space.
I missed the mark on my PH or something a few days ago,and got some slight yellowing on the top leaves of a few branches.(calcium?),but it does look like it may be clearing up.
I'm steadily tweaking the LST to keep her canopy nice and even.Getting frosty!
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It's been awhile,but here the monster GWK is at day 71!
View media item 20007Coco,3gal fabric,Megacrop nutes.This single plant has filled out the 2.5'x4' space with frosty goodness.
Still have at least a couple weeks to go!