Hecno's on going organics

The way you and The Dude talk about this stuff, I'm excited.
98 days Into The Cure.

Wild Bill's Cobbing Experiment
Dense and rock hard with sparkles!!

Christmas Eve will be 158 days.


The skinny long one is Root Beer Float in the short stocky one is Vidamints.
I think I'm gonna take a quarter of Root Beer Float To test and reseal the rest for a longer cure. I don't think I'll eat any of this that I separate out. It will all be for smoking. I'm gonna go ahead and let it continue to cure and slowly decarb through natural means.
I'm hoping it's gonna be something like when I broke open the temple ball.
@WildBill :woohoo1::woohoo1::woohoo1:Smoking is good , but eating will give you the full effects , start with 1 gram and work your way up or down from that , or you could do what I did and eat 2.5 gram , but be warned you will be in a alternate universe for a number of hours .:thumbsup:
@WildBill :woohoo1::woohoo1::woohoo1:Smoking is good , but eating will give you the full effects , start with 1 gram and work your way up or down from that , or you could do what I did and eat 2.5 gram , but be warned you will be in a alternate universe for a number of hours .:thumbsup:
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Ok here we go , 8 G Glue x Durban Poison x to JSL x G Bubble . They are 2 weeks old today , 1 as you will see is buggered and I don't know why , but it no longer lives , then the other is a reseed , it never popped and the reason being I never seeded the pot in the first place I forgot :rolleyes2: Duh . Now the soil is the same , but I added Langbeinite to the soil for [K] only small amount to see how it goes, I can add more next time . In case you are wondering about the brown stuff on top of the soil , I ran out of straw so I took some soft bark of a tree and will replace in a day or so with straw . and by the way the soil is a least 4 months old . :thumbsup:


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Guys here is something I can get for free . The local council has a green waste dump that local people dump all there green waste [ Leafs - trees - ect ] no house hold waste , Arter a bit of time they bring in a bloody big wood chipper and chip the lot and there is tons of it , lot of locals get it for mulch and I have been using it on and off for a while now in the garden . This photo is after it has been chipped
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Now I have had this thought for a while , sieve it and get the fines out of it to blend in to my base soil when making a new batch . The next 2 photos are what I start with before sieving .

Out of 150 odd liters I ended up with around 70 liters and I am very happy with the way it turned out . took a while , but I had a bit of hash to help .
@WildBill any thoughts mate , What I plan do do is incorporate it into the base soil 300 liter 70 liter of this . With the other stuff I add, which I will post so you all can see the process . The next photo is from the last grow Mango Haze x Z99 , I smoked it late afternoon the other day with my son , Poor bugger he didn't know what hit him . :smokeit:6 week cure after a 10 day dry , stored at 62 % humidity , Super smooth , taste great , and man it was strong , one of the best I have had for a long time . For me the high was very visual to say the least , I became part of the garden . and sticky when chopping up to roll , I only smoke joints . --- side note I never flush at the end of a grow , no need . ---:thumbsup:

The only part that really worries me about utilizing some community type recovery of organic materials is the possibility of chemicals in it. Now if it's mainly tree branches and bushes, the likelihood of anything harmful is a helluva lot less.

I would use that in one of two ways. Unaltered, I would just use it as a top dress.

To be honest with you, my preferred method would be to incorporate it into its own little compost pile and add some greens/ Nitrogen to it to fire it back up and fully compost It.

I have made some extremely beautiful and productive compost using chipped up trees and bushes. It's an astounding source of all sorts of trace minerals and hormones. It was pretty easy compost to make.
I had several tree trimming companies that would dump their trimmings on my farm with designated areas. I had a organic dairy close to me and I would use their manure on the tree trimming. I would hit it pretty hard with roughly 30% volume. the chip obvious play good structure to keep a lot of air into the compost pile and made for a pretty hot aerobic compost. I turned it with my tractor once the temperature starting to drop. Usually about every 10 days to 2 weeks or so. If it needed moisture then it would be sprayed with water with molasses to feed the microbes. Infy the six months I could have fully compost material.

If you use it like you have in the past by mixing up your media and let it sit and cook for a bit, I think you could use it at 10 to 20 percent without too much worry.

edir............... Bear in mind we're talking about making compost piles with dump trucks and tractors with big front end loaders!