New Grower Hecno's first journal

If you want to cleanse the plants I'd give them a very good water (but not excessive) that has some wash through bottom (about 20%). I let them sit a bit to drain then empty all the trays. I read it on here from Muddy so it's got to be true.
Hecno, they look great...even the runt is great. Your trichomes are very well developed and hopefully will amber.

Nice job growing in high heat & humidity conditions. Some rep points on their way.
They are looking great bro, amazing colours and trich production, if i close my eyes i can almost smell it (duhh am sitting in my grow room). Seeing alot of cloudy trichs and a few clear but not any amber yet, they will amber up a bit during the flush but at a guess would say 2 weeks longer if you want a real couchlock stone or could take a couple of plants sooner and some later and have a nice mix of different types of stone from the buds.

:slap: Great work and enjoyable journal, love what you have going on with your boys, hope they learnt a bit and listen to dad a bit more now.
Good one mate, looking great. I can see would be a tough gig growing outdoors in your wet / cyclone season. All you guys are inspiring me to consider an indoor set up just for fun.
Rain stopped so took some more photos, and thanks for the Rep Dingo and Spanglish :cool: 007.jpg1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg8.jpg12.jpg
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not much to report , things are ticking over nicely , I took on board all the little tricks I picked up from you guys and I will have to say this is my best grow so far , The photos are from yesturday , all bud shorts as I didn't want to have them outside to long because of the weather . I am noticing I have a lot better trichome coverage is a lot better . I think it is because I am getting my grow room dialed in a lot better and I am really starting to understand the difference stages of the growth , so I'll shout you all a beer . :tiphat:black2.jpgsherb1.1close.jpgsherbclose (2).jpgbl.jpgsnip2.jpgcyclone purple other.jpg
heck yeah hecno ! bloody gorgeous :slap: :peace: Glad you got through the cyclone ok.