New Grower Hecno's first journal

Ooohhh yeaaaaahhh sexy colors in your garden!! the cash crop is looking great too they got huge.. yall are doing great!
Looking very nice mate, great job :d5:
Day 49

All is good , Plant # 1 is in day 15 after flush , Plant #2 is in day 6 after flush , Plant # 3 got a flush today , plant # 4 is still growing , about a inch a day took a while for it to take off . so I am happy so far with the way things are going , loving the new PH pen . and as you will see I pushed one of the girls a little to hard so I backed off on the feed and she seems good . 005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg017.jpg018.jpg010.jpg012.jpg013.jpg003.jpg002.jpg
Hi Henco,

Them ladies are looking awesome!, great growing skills you own them , pretty much like that dog owns you lol, he looks a character for sure.
Is boy 2 worried you wont share your stash, lovely story and grow, thanks for sharing.
Best wishes C.
Ok guys we are at day 56 give or take a day , I had a slight phosphorus deficiency going on with one but I have now sorted that out , the outside humidity has been averaging in the 90s , I have been pulling close to 20 ltr every 24 hours out of the room , with out the air con and dehumidifier I would not be able to grow at this time of year , and oh the smell in the room I wish I could bottle it , but on a still day I have to light incense if people come around as it is not air tight . and I am enjoying this grow as I feel a bit more confident now .Ok photos .sat 012.jpgsat 025.jpgsat 036.jpgsat 034.jpgsat 018.jpg6.jpg012.jpgCapture.PNG 5.jpg1.jpg
Lmao!! love your killer guard dog bro.. hahahaha great pic!!


Great pics making me drool! :drool:they all look great bro.
Right you lot , I have 3 plants I think are ready to go into flush can you please have a look for me , now when you start the flush do you like run 20 odd ltr of water though them and then water like normal for 10 days ? these photos where taken yesterday , while the cyclonic weather was blowing and raining cats and dogs . 1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg