@the green bandit @Ribbzzy Hows the tomato plants going guys , I have 2 in the ground at the moment -- Black Russian -- Had a bit of a heat wave for 4 days 38 c , bit high for this time of year . I have not planted my price winning tomato yet

, but will today as wanted to let the soil settle . I planted some corn not much as I don't seem to have much luck with it so this will be the last time if I din't get it right this time , This is what I have in so far -- Egg plant - Elephant garlic - parsley - coriander - sweet potato - rocket - beans - cucumber - capsicum - zucchini and there will more a bit later in the month .
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Now the sons patch , He even went and got some river stones to lay down on his path way . What he has going is 6 Black Russians , The started as clones I did . Not sure what else he wants to grow , but we will see ,
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Now you tomato fiends keep a eye out for the soil behind the break drum in the middle --- That is where the secret tomato is going .
He are some photos of the back veranda , main living area , wife's domain .

no go zone . not to touch plants .
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