Hey from BiG Plant Science - plants look stellar tho it can be hard to jugde leaf color with those LEDS on
My only thing is that spidemite tracks on those lower fan-leafs ?
Looking forward to following your grow =)
Also if you have any Q's i will pop in once in a while and try to do my best to be helpfull.
one advise if you still have any of the myco madness left - dump 20-40g it in a 1L non transparent bottel - add 200-300 g sugar-molasse- fruite juice any high sugar source can be used - shake n put the bottel in hot 30-25 degree C for 1-2 weeks.
What will happen is the 5 High effective bakteria will multiply and u will have a super homemade bakteria booster that u can use at a rate of 4ml pr 1L feedwater.
The 5 effective bakteria's are produced in Denmark by the world leading experts on soil bacterias and we are very proud of Myco Madness -
Myco Madness contain 5 effective soil bacteria (0.5%) plus 18 different endo-ecto mykorrhiza (5%) plus 2% BioStimulant complex of humic acids - 100% solube aminoacids - sugars and vitamins.