waiting for mine to come in from herbies are they some good feeders or should i take it easy bye the 4 week,.. but they look good... also how many did you grow in that tent... i have 4x4 tent do you think i could put 5 in there under 400 watt hps....
(2.8 ec).
Ok I have a few questions for you guys on this post about your HFV's. I'm on my second grow and I made it through my first one rather successfully. I have a PPM meter that I've only used once and that was to get the proper water. I now use the RO water from the machine at my local walmart because someone suggested me to do so on here. How important is it to check the ppm and how often? And if anyone is having difficulties managing their smell, I highly highly suggest picking up some ONA gel. It works wonders!
mine smelled a bit like coffee when they were growing, then quite sweet when i chopped 'em. i just had a quick sniff and i thought they smelled a bit like cucumber! at no time yet have they actually smelled like weed.
mind you, so far i haven't cured anything and barely dried the bits i've smoked!
my sense of smell is rubbish anyway.