How did you grow them & which nutes did you use dude?
250 watt hps.
5 litre pots
biobizz biogrow from day 22 (from seed going in, they took 5-7 days to pop up) til day 35
biobizz biobloom from day 35 til day 49.
chopped day 72
five f&v, one autosomango.
all three pheno's yielded roughly the same though the very bushy one would have yielded more, i think, if i had let it go longer as it seemed a bit behind the others.
i got 156 grammes dry off the five, 20 of which is just bits. 34 grammes off the somango.
quite pleased with myself for a first attempt.
f&v smokes nice now i've dried it properly and is pretty strong.
i only got into growing due to prices and quality being shit and the unavailability of hash, which is/was my preferred smoke.
i have thoroughly enjoyed it though and can't wait for my next grow, which will be heavyweight's massive midget (5) and a cheese candy auto from delicious.