Dutch Passion Hazy's Autopot "Think Different®" Grow

I def gotta get in on this lol I'm a complete forum virgin so please bare with me n ill be into the swing of things in no time. How do I subscribe to this thread hazy?
It Begins.......

Popped 4 beans in water today.


I have set up my pots. i spoke to a guy at Autopot and he said that the root control sheet now goes in the pot gold side down.


I then placed the two air domes and put in about 1" of clay pellets for drainage. Make sure it's ph neutral.


I then mixed up 50/50 soil perlite mix using a light seedling soil. And watered then placed a Root Riot in the center of each pot.


So that's the set up at the moment. Once the plants establish i will show the set up for the Autopot system :peace:
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Best of luck Hazy:toke:
Damn Hazy that set look nice....Cant wait to see the difference in the two.:smokebuds: I would think the two with the airdome will out perform the two without.....Only time will tell cant wait...:thumbs::thumbs:
Blow that shit up Hazy!!

We all know you will :smoke:

Nice tutorial as well bro.. :thread:

Do the airlines terminate in the pot in the clay pellets, or under the air dome?
Do the airlines terminate in the pot in the clay pellets, or under the air dome?

The Airlines terminate under the dome into a cross of tubing with small holes.

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