Dutch Passion Hazy's Autopot "Think Different®" Grow

im ready for this...

this is getting exciting.

those pots are HUUUUGE.

your plants root will definitely thank you my friend.

cant wait for this to start.

@Duggy so ou'll be looking forward to this ti see how much can be pulled out of the 15L then, I hope it's epic :D

@littlebobeep I really hope so :smokebuds:

@loud i like that you're very keen my friend :thumbs:

@herbal and low have this while you wait :smokebuds:

i'm humbled by all the interest, thanks everyone :peace:
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oh boy!!:jump:new gear!:jump: cant wait for this system to be set up and running!:jump:we will all learn!:buds:thanks for pushing the envelope hazy!
btw.... i know nothing about this setup, i will learn as we go!:smoke: