Outdoor Hazy Grows Gelato in California

Oh hell yeah, canna vodka, sounds perfect :dizzy::bighug:

Have you seen the colour of it....?...even I'm Scuurred of it..... :crying:
I've decided I'm just going to mix the rest of the trim in with me baccy.....Safer....

Have you got shade up...?...those girls are looking nice and deep green for your conditions......?
Have you seen the colour of it....?...even I'm Scuurred of it..... :crying:
I've decided I'm just going to mix the rest of the trim in with me baccy.....Safer....

Have you got shade up...?...those girls are looking nice and deep green for your conditions......?
No shade… just lots of fish and seaweed :growing:
Oh deer ….
Oh Ya! the Spanish inquisition. :shooty::naughtystep:

I signed in to That...........I Thought you had Killed Bambi........:yoinks:....'til the photos turned up........:crying:

They are looking Great @Hazy ...they Love your bondage......:headbang: