Dutch Passion Hazy Canin' AutoUltimate

I would be careful with that "elephant in the room" If i were you Cush...coz there's a couple of Taigas around these parts.


The complete line up.......

From left to right Taiga#2, Think Different and of course the star of the show AutoUltimate..Which seem very keen to get going.....


Here's a closer look at the AutoUltimate....Just about to get their first feed as soon as the needle reaches half way...You wont catch me letting the soil dry out, slowing down the composting process, or in extreme cases killing off all the micro life in the soil, before i decide to water....


Also had a problem with one of the Think Differents getting stuck in the Root Riot...So its replacement is a good 5 days behind the other one...interesting to see if this causes any problems as they search for space in the pot.

I would be careful with that "elephant in the room" If i were you Cush...coz there's a couple of Taigas around these parts.

Yeah well Nelly's a pugilistic pachyderm, so if your taigas want to start anything then she'll Fudd them right up.


Nobody move, I'll be right back. NELLLLLAAAYYY!
Let the torture commence.......


I'm pretty sure the keen eyed among you will have spotted that the growth pattern is different to the last grow, thats because this time i have started them under HPS..I find it easier to control how the plants stretch at this early stage, and hopefully get better, earlier control over the bottom three nodes. This is where all the extra growth will be derived from.


I'll try to explain what's happening the best i can....The idea is to force the growth back down the plant by holding down the top quite aggressively. This will force on the side branching on the lower 3 nodes of the plant. When the side branches grow out they are tied to the outside canes,but it's very important to tie them after the first node on each side branch. The tops of the side branches are then held down to allow the two branches at the first node of the side branch to develope, these are allowed to grow upwards at the same rate as the top of the branch, in effect giving you three colas on each side branch. The first three nodes, that's six side branches, with two extra branches coming out of the first node... comes in at a rather cool 18 colas, remember this is only the first three nodes of the plant, more colas will be picked up further up the plant, and if you have two plants in each pot, then it's 36 colas, and these are true full on colas, as they no longer recieve the signal to tell them they are just secondary back up buds, so therefore can grow to their full potential. A couple of the largest colas in the last grow, were from the very first nodes on the first node side branch.

I hope this aids to your understanding of what it is i'm trying to achieve with this technique.
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good to be here... miss this whole forum as things have been very busy... never have much time to go njoy ebveryones grows.... but this sounds like an interesting experiment with mega yield changer capabilities! :smokeit:
to put 3 plants feminized in a 25 liters containers will maybe give u more chance to develope in one of her an hermies issue... why? because plants are like this, it is a natural thing that is in the plant that when they are in contact of each others the roots seemse to produce a kind of essence that induce a plant to turn male.

Just found this ....... Anyone ever heard the like before?

I don't know whether to take this seriously or laugh heartily...
Just found this ....... Anyone ever heard the like before?

I don't know whether to take this seriously or laugh heartily...

I would take it seriously, nature has many means of communication, and her nature is to "go forth and multiply" Just as on a coral reef when the dominant male or female, depending on the species dies, another will change sex to become the next dominant. Seeds were feminized by man, but they still carry all of natures secret weapons(3times the genetic code that humans have)

Hazy thanks for showing us in detail how to cane it!!! can't wait to to see the Ultimate Caned fruit!!!
I would take it seriously, nature has many means of communication, and her nature is to "go forth and multiply" Just as on a coral reef when the dominant male or female, depending on the species dies, another will change sex to become the next dominant. Seeds were feminized by man, but they still carry all of natures secret weapons(3times the genetic code that humans have)

Agreed on the marine life...but surely we would see this happening a lot in hydro, i grew ebb and flow for years and never had a problem, 12 plants on the table with all the roots co-mingiling,
my mate grew in guttering, again all the roots co-mingiling and never once a case of herman the germans. I've been serching all day trying to find a reference to hermans being caused this way and have come up blank so far......Anyone got any links or insight into this?