Live Stoners Hay a big hello

I'm late for the welcoming party, sorry for that. :welcome: aboard, I see you've found the refreshments :pass: I hope you stick around, there's lots to learn and all kinds of willing help here. For a good pain med and some depression relief you might try Dinafems industrial plant cbd strain. Its quickly become my favorite strain. The dragon strains speak for themselves. Anyways if I can help you out with anything just throw up the bat signal @my name or a pm. Nice to meet you:vibes:
Thanks stepside for the welcome and the heads up for that strain, I have ordered some grape crinkle to start with but I will make sure that's next on list once I get the hang of growing inside and these plants

Just because you work for the government doesn't mean you have to agree with them. Hell, I know more than a few ex government people working in the cannabis industry now.
And any way I can help I will. I have failed a lot so take some time to read my first grow log if you wanna see what not to do :)
Thanks again miss, will do, perhaps I am going into this too confident because I know I can grow flowers and vegetables well, it's the confined space, it's not the sun lol and controlling the environment I am expecting problems with the most, we shall see :d5: I am already assured that if I fail miserably you guys will put me straight,you have to fall when learning to walk

It happens from time to time. Some mutants are good some not so much. I'm growing another and she's perfectly fine.
That's good to hear star looking forward to see what she looks like.

Won't be too long I hope before I give it a tr,y so look forward to sharing it and your help folks,
Thanks stepside for the welcome and the heads up for that strain, I have ordered some grape crinkle to start with but I will make sure that's next on list once I get the hang of growing inside and these plants

Thanks again miss, will do, perhaps I am going into this too confident because I know I can grow flowers and vegetables well, it's the confined space, it's not the sun lol and controlling the environment I am expecting problems with the most, we shall see :d5: I am already assured that if I fail miserably you guys will put me straight,you have to fall when learning to walk

That's good to hear star looking forward to see what she looks like.

Won't be too long I hope before I give it a tr,y so look forward to sharing it and your help folks,
Nothing wrong with being confident. being Confident != being cocky. I just had a rough start. For me the humidity wasn't the worse of the problems, it was the cats and getting my light positioned properly
Hey great to meet you. I grow out plants indoor and outdoor for severe chronic spinal chord pain, despression, anxiety, and know exactly what you are going through. Good luck on the grows and finding strains that work great. I highly recommend the Autoflower Portal strains for pain, and depression(moonstone). With a cramped space I found them to be very well suited. Lots of thick bud on small plants. I grow using 100X3w galaxy and mars 100X3w leds indoors in the winter.

Edit - depending on the size of your grow space, I would also look at Dutch Passions line of autos. Some are smaller(Auto Night Queen), some are a fair size plant, and some are monsters(Daiquiri, Automazar, Autoultimates)
Hi and thank you greenskell for your advice and understanding I am unable to realistically grow outside so its great to hear you get results inside I will try and search a inside grow you have done,thankyou again, I going to grow a grape crinkle to begin with have been recommended for pain but I will certainly try if succesfull your recommendations, there is so much to learn ànd take on board going down this route i was not a cannabis smoker previously but I guess you know you can only put up with so much of the side effects , I seem to take as many tablets to alleviate them from the painkillers as I do the painkillers ,I have been overwhelmed with the support, advice etc from this site thankyou all.