Photoperiod Have I screwed up this grow with mold?


Finding a Replacement for the painkillers we use
Oct 29, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Don't smoke.......First grow = Burple bud Fem and Super Skunk auto
Hi there all.

I don't know if there is anything I can do but I have made a monumental srew-up after just harvesting my buds (just one plant).

I had just cut down and trimmed my first ever autoflowerer and was just finishing trimming when I had to drop everything and attend another family matter 300 miles away. So. I just threw all the trimings, buds, leaves in a cardboard box wrapped loosely in grease proof paper (I thought this maybe wouldn't absorb or adsorb any trichomes that I had worked so hard for these last 6 months. To cut a long story short, I was gone 4 days and have just opened the box to find my buds and trimmings all with a layer of mould on the underside that was against the paper.

I'm not sure if I should bin the lot or wash them in a waterbath for 7 days then dry them. Any ideas out there? I don't plan to smoke them but to make tinctures or edibles, or at least that was my original idea. I would certainly appreciate any help I can get......many tanks for now,

Cmoon..........Respect, as always.