To be fair it turned out just fine just not the best yield
PK can get depleted later in the grow, at the time when demand is highest so a bit of occasional boosting makes more and better product...
Other than that, the best advice I can give is keep the soil evenly moist. That keeps the microbes happy and cycling nutrients for your plant!
This is Tad, figured I'd chime in. I would like to put a caveat on the "Water Only" claim. It does require that you use a large enough container, we recommend a 7 gal as a minimum for a full cycle plant. You can't grow like you might have in hydro with a 1 gal or a 3 gal pot and make it with just water.
Other than that, the best advice I can give is keep the soil evenly moist. That keeps the microbes happy and cycling nutrients for your plant!
Best of luck with your grow and please post your thoughts and results!
it's in my reply already, the Roots Organic Terp Tea Bloom... I don't think it's OMRI certified, but close enough for me! A couple local grow mates recommended it to me, and I know how picky they are... I like it because of the very fine grind it has, waters in readily-What is you choice for organic PK boost?
If you're in a large enough container and and keep the moisture right and use earthworm castings, the worms should show up. We see worms in all our commercial facilities that are using Blumats. You can check out @jmagilla on IG to see what I'm talking about. The worms will congregate around the soaker tape.What is you choice for organic PK boost?
Love your podcast !
To add to the discussion... worms!
I started in soil but quickly moved over to hydro. After a decade I recently went back to full organics, my current grow is using only Fishmix and AACT.
I started feeling guilty for using salts, and taste/quality simply doesn't compare. I can tell already at day 58 the world of difference in the terpene profile alone. So I'll be dedicating my efforts to learning to grow 100% sustainable and without bottled nutrients whatsoever.
This is with fresh 25% Lightmix, 25% Allmix and 50% coco. From here on I'll be attempting perpetual not-till living soil with KNF techniques (Korean Natural Farming) - so I wont be feeding the plant, I'll be feeding the soil. Will be adding Red Wiggler worms right after harvest and a N fixing cover crop of clover.
After dialling it in this should allow for a perpetual water only soil, with minimal maintenance.Just make sure there is enough mulch for worms to compost, and they will in turn go all around the soil making it super aerated, healthy, and nutrient rich. No-till will allow consequent crops to grow faster and bigger, as previous roots make for excellent tunnels for new roots to grow quickly in, with an added bonus of already in place mycorrhizae and bacteria.
Can't wait to get my hands on them worms!
I'll do that for mine too, maybe I can source some worms as well....If you're in a large enough container and and keep the moisture right and use earthworm castings, the worms should show up. We see worms in all our commercial facilities that are using Blumats. You can check out @jmagilla on IG to see what I'm talking about. The worms will congregate around the soaker tape.