Happy Valentines Day BUDdy - An Awesome Vault promo!

The Mrs. & I will spend V-day afternoon at the local hospital visiting patients and staff on post-surgical wards, geriatric ward, oncology clinic, ER, and Lab with our Therapy Dog. Then he will get rewarded with a half hour at the park chasing tennis balls, then we get rewarded with a nap. Then its time for cocktails, dinner, TV and herbal relaxations.
therapy dog.jpg

Hey All,

The Vault Cannabis Seeds Store bring you an amazing Valentines Day Promo featuring seeds to be won from:

Barneys Farm, Bomb Seeds, Fastbuds, Female Seeds, Dinafem, Heavyweight Seeds, Monster Genetics, Ministry of Cannabis, Original Sensible Seeds, Positronics, Phoenix Cannabis Seeds, Royal Queen Seeds, Seedsman, Sensi Seeds, Greenhouse Seeds Co., Sweet Seeds.

Visit https://www.cannabis-seeds-store.co...y-valentines-day-buddy-win-seeds-at-the-vault to read more, get discount codes and enter the competition! Good Luck!

Lets show this promo as much love as you can please!
My husband should be trying to surprise me with a dinner at the casino!
I shall spend valentines Watering my ladies, then cooking steaks for my wife and I, followed by a relaxing smoke of my lovely homegrown!