Happy Valentines Day BUDdy - An Awesome Vault promo!

Nothing special for Valentine's day :shrug: but I'd love some FastBuds Stardawg, but more importantly, I'd adore a Vault t-shirt :pighug:

Hey All,

The Vault Cannabis Seeds Store bring you an amazing Valentines Day Promo featuring seeds to be won from:

Barneys Farm, Bomb Seeds, Fastbuds, Female Seeds, Dinafem, Heavyweight Seeds, Monster Genetics, Ministry of Cannabis, Original Sensible Seeds, Positronics, Phoenix Cannabis Seeds, Royal Queen Seeds, Seedsman, Sensi Seeds, Greenhouse Seeds Co., Sweet Seeds.

Visit https://www.cannabis-seeds-store.co...y-valentines-day-buddy-win-seeds-at-the-vault to read more, get discount codes and enter the competition! Good Luck!

Lets show this promo as much love as you can please!
I love promos! My wife and I are planning on going out for dinner on valentines!
Thanks for the discount. Been with my ol lady 10 years. 9 years ago we stopped doing valentine's day. We always go eat the day after when it's not hectic and go buy 50 percent off candy lol.
Go to a comedy show.. Or hang out with my grandparents coz i'm single . :bighug: Ty for the chance.Great giveaway from The Vault..
No plans as of yet, probably something low key. Thanks for another opportunity at some fine genetics! #teamvault