Old Reviews Hanna 98129, plus cleaning, storage, buffer, and calibration solutions.

So on Thursday saw that I had issues, sent an email to the Amazon Co. - Friday got a message back saying they'll replace it no problem. Over the weekend I asked what to do with the old one and can I please have a tracking number. On Monday I recieved an email with a tracking number and a prepaid address slip for UPS - all I have go do is print it out, slap it on the original box and drop it off at the post office. Gotta say, max rep to the vendor. No questions asked, just speedy, nearly same day service and they literally left nothing undone. A motherflippin plus.

The sellers name is pretty vague, but it's Hydroponics Market. No problem letting you know - I hope you have the same experience from them of you choose to do business.

Be back as soon as the box is on my doorstep and I'll calibrate it the minute after I get it. See ya then.
Got the box today, opened it and inside was packing peanuts, a smaller box with a calibration cert card from a Hanna tech, a small zip lock bag with a pH probe with both its ends capped in yellow rubber end pieces. Beautiful. I knew then and there, the probe was good to go, and sure enough it calibrated immediately to the 7.01 then like a champion it asked for the 4.01 and read 3.99 after calibration. Now I'm off to pH my feed and test my body's runoff. Thanks for watching.
Tested my tap water from a well - 295 microsiemens; 128 parts per million ,and pH 6.95.

I have a filter in my fridge and a separate water jug with a built in filter.

Fridge filter is pH 7.02, 260 microsiemens, 131 ppm.

Water jug with a filter - pH 6.05, 162 mocrosiemens, 81 ppm.

If I was really thorough I'd test the fridges filtered water run through the water jug filter... but I dunno if that would really matter... okay I'm doing it brb.
:crying: yer gonna test everything man.yer just like me!!Thats too good.Im in the market for a new Triple read type meter.I shelled out almost 200 bucks and let a buddy use it and told him bout dry probe n all that n he pretty much threw it in the trash for me.needless to say he'll never use any high end things of mine again.ya diggin that one bro?I looked at it on Amazon with the cal somutions.Nice deal. little under 2 bills with cal solutions to yer door.well for me it is anywho.im using my two 20 dollar digital meters now.FUN! LOL!
Fridge "filter" through the water jug filter is pH 5.65 (weird), 170 us (I can't find the greek letter mu so I just wrote us for microsiemens instead, sue me), 85 ppm.

I found out my fridges filter is non existent or ineffective. It does chill the water, but it had the same pH and tds as my tap. When you try to double filter the water though the universe knows you'ree cheating and lowers the pH. Good for hydro, bad for soil, unless it's hot. Now I'm going to prep for my first runoff test tomorrow at lights on. I've been winging it thus far with my plants and same with my diet. Not so beuno.

And I promise this time I'll baby my pH probe. I promise promise promise promise!
Yah it was about two hundo for the five chem bottles and the combo pen, but it's the bees knees. If I had no intention of ever going hydro I would have just gotten the accurate 8 soil probe, but I set my sights on growing in coco or an ebb/flow set up. DWC is cool too don't get me wrong and I'll probably try that too, but eh.

Time for some alkaline tea. :coffee:
It's a bit off topic but I tested some oolong tea and a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water - each addition to the tap water barely affected the pH. I'll try some green tea today. Just looking to significantly raise the pH of my runoff.