Old Reviews Hanna 98129, plus cleaning, storage, buffer, and calibration solutions.

Alright, for about sixty bucks I cam get a new tool (for reference sizes) a new probe, and a set of ten batteries that should outlast the new probe if my destructive nature has anything to say about that. Till then, I'll just have to assume my pH is low... which it probably is anyway. See ya back here when Hanna is feeling better.
Just recieved the replacement probe - I'll have to make sure it's calibrated in the morning - something to do while the coffee is brewing. Anyway I'm glad to be back in the scientific game. I've noticed a slight yellow tinge to the veins in my strawberry leaves and my onion is having second thoughts on sprouting leaves, but all things considered they're growing fine without much pH adjustment. That's not to say every pheno will have the same results in my cab without fixing the pH, but my current line up is holding strong.

Anyway I'm more worried about mine... :( More tea please!
Calibration issues. I get to reach a new level of pissed off if the probe the co. sent me is faulty. It's been sitting in storage solution since I got it. Never found a moment to calibrate it, and now I'm on a time crunch and it's sitting there like an idiot not calibrating.

I press and hold the on button. Says 100% battery. I hold the power button till it says cal, then it says 7.01 use. I dip the stick in 7.01 and it stays there, no changes in anything till it turns off. Once it said 10.01 use, which is the opposite pH buffer I used before I broke the first probe, namely 4.01.

Maybe it's just an old probe, or it needs to be cleaned better (though I did use the probe cleaning solution before popping it in the stick)... *sigh* Dunno. I'll deal with this later this evening. Defo not happy for the time being though. And I know it's off because measuring the 7.01 it says 9 something. And the 4.01 reads 8.7.

Here we go. The buffer set is properly selected, but it's calibrating with the 7.01 only and reading it at 10 something. It does not read the pH of the buffer solution properly nor does it ask for the 4.01 solution after calibrating to the 7.






As you can see, and as I've said, I have all the stuff, this is a brand new probe I'm working with, I set it to anticipate the 4/7/10 buffers, it asks for the 7, then says OK! and reads it as 10.10 - so I'm thinking the probe is shite and it's going to be a headache getting a replacement from the guy on amazon. Unless I'm messing something up, or the solutions are "bad" or something. I even have a video of it going from 7.01 USE to OK 10.10. Gunna try to upload somehow.
For reference here is the Hanna pH Calibration Manual excerpt:




I'm going to read it a hundred times until I figure out where the fault lies.
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I sent a notifiction to the amazonian hydro shop (name withheld) stating the pH probe was faulty - it doesn't calibrate or automatically recognize the buffer value, thus, it's defective. Must have shipped dry, and despite all my attempts to properly store, clean, and calibrate it, it's out of my hands. I was pretty angry, but I've since defaulted to my preferred state of not caring about it. It's there, it's broken, I can wait a bit longer for another part and there isn't anything else I can do for it.

More later. Should probably calibrate the next one immediately following the delivery.
gradolabs..can't help with your tech-spec sorry..I only got my replacement Hanna back yesterday and haven't had time to play..
But..my first from a company on amazon was faulty.

Are you UK..I'm wondering if we used the same Amazon company..?..mail me the name.
I'm wondering if there is a dickie batch out there...or worse..rip-offs

If it is accurate on your own PH..then Yes..you need to See me..:D..you are over a full PH point down on what you should be and should be symptomatic because of that.

Think what a girls would look like if we were running her a PH point down..:thumbs:
gradolabs..can't help with your tech-spec sorry..I only got my replacement Hanna back yesterday and haven't had time to play..
But..my first from a company on amazon was faulty.

Are you UK..I'm wondering if we used the same Amazon company..?..mail me the name.
I'm wondering if there is a dickie batch out there...or worse..rip-offs

If it is accurate on your own PH..then Yes..you need to See me..:D..you are over a full PH point down on what you should be and should be symptomatic because of that.

Think what a girls would look like if we were running her a PH point down..:thumbs:

PM sent, and yeah I know I got pH issues. I'm attacking that from a few angles, but the probe thing is a set back. Working on that too.