Lol, no voodoo, OK that girl was LST Perhaps even HST at times and defoilated from a very early age , I had no room in tent for her to grow so I just kept at her,( it also kept me going over the top on the other girls, leaf tucking , picking is very relaxing lol) lots of tops from secondarys from being being tied down but they only small I would not recommend this in such a small pot ,unless you was really height restricted ,or daft like I am
,my tool kit comprises pair plyers and green wire, if you going to start LST , I would suggest getting the girls used to being bent early , the sites you want to bend squeeze a bit for a day a two before to reduce chances snapping, I wait till they need a water, thats about it , ive had lots of breakages snaps ,the girls get over it ,
, same girl from the top
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Now that mazzar has been LST but then all I doing now is bending the branches open to expose bud sites, when that one comes down ille post pic of stem system will give you a better idea