Guy Smiley Organics (Fully organic Soil/AACT building)

yup, BUT the real trump card is the life and texture,they go hand in hand. aeration and life. since the ability for soil to hold life is also a key to a foods rich soil and overall far superior soil to just a food laiden soil. the more body or texture(non sand loamy really)of the soil can tell you quickly and a sniff how the soil is as far as life,foods and life condition. CEC is great but goes hand in hand imp woth the very texture of soil not just the foods available in said batch. if you have tons of food and not balancing characteristics ,its a lesser soil although the CE is on point in the numbers field(s).
Life and texture , I am on to that . I check my soil for texture all the time . Now life , this bit I love . Now I have 4 x 40 gallon outdoor boxes I make my soil in . Most if not all of it started as used store soil I got from the local hardware store , I made compost , which I have 2 big piles of , well none now , am about to start again , I like my compost at least 5 months old . Now --- Life -- the fun bit . I gather as much as I can from my own environment , Now that it is raining it is a good time to find worms which I add to the soil and are breeding so something must be right . They are native soil worms not compost worms , Microbes I believe I have all I need around me , there to gather , So compost tea with added soil from around the yard brewed the added to the soil to introduce even more microbes to the soil , which has had compost added before hand , Soils are now going on 4 months old -- Things I have added -- Bat Guano Phos 11.6 - Cal - 29 - Sil 10 - Sheep manure - Cow manure - Volcanic rock dust , Seaweed powder - Curly grub castings and every now and again molasses to feed the herd . When I am ready to use it I will add some soil from around the Bamboo as it is one of the best sources for Mycorrhizae fungi . hows that sound Mr Eyes . do you think I might be missing anything . :thumbsup:
no not really man, sounds like a winner to me bro! truly an Aussie special :) only thing i would consider imo is to add molasses as you do but WITH the soil,say the second of even third mixing prior to adding any molasses wet into the mix, try Dry powdered molasses AND recharge if you can get it but the powdered molasses and alternating the wet molasses a cpl times works well. the powder stays for a good bit and absorbs as well as feeds to its a double awesome piece of awesomeness LOL
well so much for trying to get a few likes and posting some helpful links LOL! like staff I work for I guess ill not post stuff like that again. on to more different stuffs n this n that n things of thingy deals :)

OH I do have a really really REEEALLLLY nice looking Kit that WELL put togewther IF it preforms like it says and I actually Do suspect it'll do. so this will be an amazingly nice test imho. stay tuned in the live testing area for any new news.Gary Gnews n crew :) ill be doing Zambeza Cheese and Skunk myself. take care all. :)

Got a quick question for you or anyone who recycles their soil:

How long do you typically re-cook your soil after you've amended it?? I have 2 large totes full to the brim of used soil (Roots organic mixed w/ Subcool super soil), and I just added what I believed to be adequate amounts of blood meal, fish bone meal, Jamaican and Happy Frog bat guano, Azomite, dolomite lime, epsom salts and some Heisenberg tea (Hydroguard, Great White, molasses, Ancient Forest bubbled for 36-48hrs). I mixed it up pretty well and figured it'd need at least a few weeks to be relatively good.. I was trying to time it so that on the next batch of plants I do, I was going to test it out on a few of the plants to see how they react, and use the rest of my Subcool super soil that I have (about enough for 2-3 15ltr pots).

Then, I'm not sure if I'm gonna make a new batch of super soil or try to use what I have, since I have a ton of amendments kicking around from when I made the first batch.. I even have some regular bone meal which had a different profile than the fish bone meal.. Once the warmer weather gets here, I'm hoping to get some shrimp, crab and lobster shells from my buddy who lives near the ocean, and the wife eats eggs a lot, so I'm going to start using more natural sources of amendments.. I hate spending money on things that I can get for free..
@GodAmJT I like mine to be at least 3 months to give it time for every thing to blend in , and I add native worms , I maybe wrong here but I have them breeding in the soil [ out doors soil beds ] so I am thinking I am on the right track , A lot of things you guys can get I can't so I try to find and use what is around me . I have come to the conclusion that the wet season is the best time for me to make soil as the microbes are at there most active , so in the dry I am just maintaining the soil moisture and feeding the microbes .
Okay!! That's good to know!!!! I guess this batch will have to be for my 3rd round this year.. I think there's a garden store here that has some super soil, or is advertised as super soil that I may give a try.. I'll have to see what's in it.. The good news though, is as long as I turn the soil I have now as soon as I harvest the plants, I'll have the next batch ready by the time the next round is over..

Thanks for the info!!!!!!!!! :pass:
:pighug:EoF me brudda! Sour Lemon goodness- :drool: --might be time to score some if it's got your attention this much-:eyebrows: They look excellent! And Monkey's stash is stellar- :bow: Burma D' is on the do-list for this season, and now it's driving me nuts with that pic and the unique aromatics you mentioned! NW is a fine breeder,...:clapper:
.:d5:...dewd, that's some fine info you posted, clear, concise, relevant,...Please HOLLER at me or others to make sure we see it, as it's worthy!... I have a major job to do in the reworking of Sick Bay, and on thing I want to do is get info like this put in along with the Depot pics of various defc.'s/toxicity... but not bury peep's in too much data that matta'- :help: :rofl: --this will help a lot :thanks: ...Where did this come from, one of the many fine books you have?

:jawdrop: Oooh man, how did you score the Bomb-diggity Biotab kit??! I have a chubby just looking at it- :hump: :woohoo1: Is it an official test, sent form Europe? that's what kills me, it's not here in the US yet, right? IwantitIwantitIwantit!!! spill the beans man-
Hey guys! yeah man, I would give the soil maybe 45 days at least mixing it a few times as you do. Outdoor soils can be a little tougher and take a little longer sometimes. just takes longer for various reasons actually. but indoors or kept soil in a tote is easier to work with when you control the variances in the adapting of life and moisture into a soil medium. give it an extra 2 weeks if there arfe a lot of larger roots and things. but all of Two months it should be just fine in that time. it'll get warmer and half way when I tend to wanna mix it. ill kick it back off with a heavy life tea with a little heavier on the micro and macro nutrients with compost.liquid and solid work well. then re wet the soil (I dry it out some before this if needed) with the Tea Inoculate and VOILA! instant baddassery :)

@Waira hey ya bruth man!! yes'sir them Sour Lemons are Stellar smoke. the caramel wasnt as nice but the S lemon in an oil or a yogurt I ate a gram of decarbed bud and a 1/2 teaspoon of sunflower Lechithin and WOOOOW! I was toasty super guy smiley for that hour needless to say LMFAO!!

I HIGHLY recommend them as a stand alone day or early evening smoke and boosted upwards for a night time kick ya asleep type meds LOL!

yeah I remember you guys saying something about redoing the Infirmary place(s). which info was that? the soil stuff? I got that from woodleaf farms I think. a nice page on organic peach and other outdoor veggie production :)