So I'm new here for the season and felt pretty welcome so im gonna pull up a log, pull out my pipe, and tell y'all a little tale.
I have grown fer a fer years and like doing the whole guerilla thang. Go for long hikes back country and find spots like the one above...
A south facing cliff of white stone. There had been a forest fire through here so there was is a lot of second growth brush and smallish 5to10 yr ol trees. Wel wat yer looking at is a bunch of cedar tries to grow next to the cliff. But with such fine conditions they grew tall and as the wind blew in from the north it uprooted them from the cliff anpyshed em over, leaving a predug trench about eight feet by 2 feet and about four feet deep. So i tossed in a few fish...mackerel is cheap an is sold with the guts an all and now im filling it with my super soil. Four trips to fil it in whew. .