Outdoor Growtogrow outside grow 2018


Yup !
Cultivators Club
Mar 1, 2017
Reaction score
Well here we go another spring has come.
Dam I'm not ready but I'm getting closer all the time.
Injuries and weather has held me up changing the whole entire Garden is not an easy task I've been finding out but all is good and I'm on my way.

Unfortunately I had to abandon my shed building due to weather and lack of time as I'm going to go in for an operation on the 2nd of May so I opted out to dig some holes and get the cage built for the outside grow.
I had quite a lineup chosen and again I wasn't quite ready. My basement is very dry and my clones where looking a little dry.
I went down there the other day didn't water them. I thought I had but hadn't !!! Dam no good luck..
I really wanted to put them in this year but it dont look good for the clones..
But I have plenty of substitutes that are on the pot already so to speak LOL.
I'll let you all know for sure what I'm putting in shortly guarantee that though .
The Sage and sour from th seeds

Chem Berry diesel from Dark Horse genetics

as well as the

Chocolate mint og from Humboldt seeds

Blueberries from Seedsman

Citrus super haze Seedsman

I have 2 girls
Chem berry diesel
And one of my own
Sage n Sour
In the flower room pre flowering
As you all know I do a tarping technique light deprivation controlled so as soon as I put those girls out there are already ready to go my plan is to harvest every two weeks once I start harvesting and I believe that will be in the middle of July.

So these are all definitely going to be in there.
I have those plants up and ready all I gotta do is move them out there but the rest is up to speculation right now and I'll let you know as further developments happen how's that sound LOL.[emoji12]

So I'm digging holes and putting my 30-gallon plastic pots down in them in a new location that has much more Sun than what my last location did doing it the same way put the pot in the ground to within about 2 in of the rim or so or as far as it'll go into the ground and then fill it full of my super soil potting mix that I made up the pots all had big holes blown in the bottom of them so the plant can get to the native soil and find a good ground water source.

The last two pics are the pre flowering girls and they have gotten their training started so when I bring them out put them underneath the scrog net it'll already be ready to go I'm hoping to be in the ground by 4:20 but weather will predict that.

Well I hope you all pull up a seat Lite one up and crack open a cold one and watch my chaos it's going to be exciting to do this one armed after the second week of May but I got some friends though give me some help.
I haven't got too much to worry about got a lot of good Souls around me going to help me.
We're going to have a good harvest no matter what it all turn out in the end. Even if it takes longer than I think all I can do is try and dial it in... right... that's the idea from grow to grow[emoji482][emoji267][emoji12][emoji111]


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Thought I'd update this first post got these in the ground yesterday going to start putting my amendments in them and super soil Got 5 more to plant
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My only question to you is when are you going to put your clothes out or are those going to be grown indoors

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LOL... [emoji28]you most of meet... clones...[emoji28]
As soon as the weather lets me..
I have some defences against the weather. But frost is a killer.
Got to be on that one until mid may... It frosted last May on the 14th. Lite frost but still can kill.

So got a plan and working on it
Put a clear plastic roof on it.
About $ 26 each I need 10.[emoji482]

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High GrowtoGrow,

I like your setup. I'm new around here, and I've seen your name a lot. I'm hoping to learn a lot about growing autos outdoors. Not many do on the other forum. And since I'm new, I'm going to ask you a stupid question. Why use pots, why not fill holes with potting/soil mix? I had one season last year growing outdoors in the ground. Plants did great, just wouldn't finish on stalk without budrot. Had to pull early, so this year I have some of both (auto and photo) to experiment with. I'm glad to see fellas and ladies growing and maturing buds north of me (44th parallel). That's what I'm after.

Oh, hope you don't mind if I follow along. Love grow journals.
High GrowtoGrow,

I like your setup. I'm new around here, and I've seen your name a lot. I'm hoping to learn a lot about growing autos outdoors. Not many do on the other forum. And since I'm new, I'm going to ask you a stupid question. Why use pots, why not fill holes with potting/soil mix? I had one season last year growing outdoors in the ground. Plants did great, just wouldn't finish on stalk without budrot. Had to pull early, so this year I have some of both (auto and photo) to experiment with. I'm glad to see fellas and ladies growing and maturing buds north of me (44th parallel). That's what I'm after.

Oh, hope you don't mind if I follow along. Love grow journals.
Welcome @Bode....[emoji482]
Welcome @912GreenSkell....[emoji482]
To my chaos grow....[emoji482]

A few reasons why I grow in pots.
The pots have big holes in the bottom that allows plants to grow in the native soil and use it's taproot, ( if a seed plant ) to find a good water source.
The pots protect the plants from many of the evasive little grubs and bugs and things that travel under the surface of the ground from 1 inch to up to 20" deep.
Also the pots holds my super soil in place. And one other thing it keeps the major part of root system where I wanted it when I pour the Mighty tea to them it stays in the area where the root ball is at. So the plant feeds well and not every weed around it.

Lastly... one big reason is if I had to pull my grow up for whatever reason I can easily and not hurt the plant. And Move it to a safe location where ever. Even inside.

He is my northen neighbor.
He is a grow Guru and The weed whisper.[emoji12] He as Auto outside and photos with tutorials to help you grow like that and plus he'll answer most any question.
Very good teacher.[emoji482] and all out good guy. Plus he [emoji227][emoji226]fishes too[emoji228][emoji245][emoji482]
Cheers GS

Hope you enjoy the grow.
Stop by any time[emoji482][emoji267][emoji111]

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It's still snowing here though snowing out right now....

Here's a pic of some of the girls that are going to go outside when the weather finally breaks don't know when that's going to be this winter seems to be lasting forever ugh[emoji33][emoji35][emoji111]

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Got some nice days coming up I worked on the cage yesterday I got most of it framed in getting ready to put the wire up here today and the gates not putting the cage roof on yet until after I have got the curtain rails installed and the curtain up and working then I will put the cage on the roof of it and fasten it down and then it'll be done and I'm not going to move it again if anything I'll shrink it next year but we'll see that's a long ways away.

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Got the wire up mostly and 1/2 of the gates.
Filled 5 of the pots 1/2 way or with soil.

Still haxe to install the tracks and pullys the tarp and winch and put the wire on the top.
Then we'll be growing...[emoji106][emoji482]

Got the rest of the holes dug in pots in I have one hole that's got a stump in it I couldn't get it out I'm not even going to try so I just dug out around it best I could and put my super soil in and around it and I'll call it a day..
It's an old pumice log anyways so it'll be a good nurse log.
It will soke up a lot water and the plant will suck on it when she is thirsty[emoji482]
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