Outdoor Growtogrow.. Michigan Unlimited multi strain organic grow

Could use some surgery on the L5.
I won't pollute your kick-ass grow thread with off topic, but just sayin,' if you'd like to discuss that sometime before you're in a corner from it, I could share a bit of my experience. Short v. is, I haven't turned a dime or felt good since the day I walked into the hospital for my lumbar double fusion accompanied by a handful of "ectomies" 9 years ago in 2 weeks. You can feel free to pm me anytime. Like after you work your way out of trim jail lol.
Bud's LOTS OF BUDS....

:cheers: :pass:


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Looking amazing G2G! You've got your work cut out for ya come harvest.

You're right I sure as hell will.

But one good thing is, is that I'm spreading it out over a long period of time, my trimming won't be as extreme really. I got a lot of Bud though.
So After the commercial Farmers place gets done. He's got one of those trim machines it rolls the buds. I may take it out there and have it rolled? Not sure yet though. I'll know more after I bring in his harvest. Cuz he's kind of funny style and rightfully so about bringing the outside crap inside where the grow rooms are at for inside growing and risk bringing in pests or powdery mildew. He burns a sulfur burner every so many days or weeks I forget what his schedule is. But if he brings the commercial roller down to the other place where we hand trim at, I could use it then down there and it'd be pretty easy to finish trim... That machine rolls it pretty well down to where I'd be happy with it like that. :hump:
But it's not dispensary quality, buuu-t almost. It's just a little doodad here doodad there, leaf, stem or whatever that has to be plucked off to make it dispensary quality.
It's a very simple device. I could probably make one at home. I have one of those shake bags. Those work pretty well too.
But It don't take too long though once you got it dried right and trimmed down like I got it right now almost harvest ready. It won't take long to knock out a plant. I probably can knock out one in about 2 hours by myself. To hang it and then debuck it who knows how long that takes once you get started each plants a little different. The Majority of my plants out here though got nice nugs on them they're not a lot of fluffy buds which will make it a lot easier de-bucking. :pass:
Racing the sun a bit at this point aren't you? But jeez! How tall are those? 8-10ft? Humongous.
The tallest one's they're around 10 ft. I tried to keep them much lower. I'll have a better handle on it next year. I have a different plan. Bench style scrog netting and setting out maybe later.

Forgive me but I don't know what "racing the sun" means exactly.:shrug:
The bud's are packing on the weight. One more time watering, then next stop harvest. :cheers::pass:

:jump:Awesome season @Growtogrow !! :bow:Guessing a week or two left before a hard frost? :yoinks: Heading to your area in a couple weeks. Making sure to pack a warm coat.
Thanks...:toke: We had a bit of a frosty morning out at the farm. The farmer at 4:30am went out and sprayed water on the girls. He said it was frosted pretty good...
:snow2: But here no frost temp got down to 36°f for a little while.
It's a bit unusual for this time of year though. The last few years not much for frost until more to the end of October.:cheers::pass:

One of the ways you know you're doing something right, is when the background for your top shots is shingles. :woohoo1:

:rofl::crying:I guess you're right :thanks::cheers::toke::smokeout: