Outdoor Growtogrow.. Michigan Unlimited multi strain organic grow

I love the photo with the plant beside the outdoor chair , Is it to give some shade from the sun while you sit and look at the other girls ,
:biggrin: :thumbsup:
I know...last year we used to sit underneath the trees a lot drink beer. The farm girls are pretty good size. A lot of trimming. :smokeit: I wish he'd let me have full control of the grow. I'd make his girl's as big as my girl's get.:cheers::pass::baked:
More plant girl porn

Super citrus haze

Industrial plant and Fire og Kush in the back.

Fire og Kush

Skunk hero

Fire og Kush and industrial plant

Purple wookie

Fire og Kush


Industrial plant

Fire OG Kush & Industrial plant

Skunk hero

In the deck hole girl

:cheers: :pass:
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Trimmed Skunk hero, Fire og Kush, Industrial plant, Purple wookie, still have a few to go..
It took about 2 1/2 hour's to trim the Fire og Kush alone. Should be good to harvest.:shooty::thumbsup:

Harvest for the Fok I think should be within 10 days. :spels::fire::amazon:

Lite rain off an on the last 3 days. We expect more to come. It's lightly raining now. Ugh ! :finger:

Because of the rainy days a head, I'm switching to the potassium carbonate to spray the girls for the p.m. Potassium bicarbonate is much cheaper to use than the plant therapy. Especially when it's just going to wash off in a short time anyways. :sadcry:
I'll use the plant therapy again once there's a window in the weather. Maybe I won't have to before harvest, who knows. :shrug: :coffee2:


All night long...


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Nice job homie, you will have to be a lumber jack come harvest to chop those trees down .
I have one of those wee little like 4 inch chain saws I could use as needed but I've never had to, and kinda don't care for the idea. Has a brutal feel to it, I like the quick clean cut of the lopper better.

Now I'm going to reveal a portion of my inner crazy lol. The night before I chop, I sit out with them for a while and explain to them that with me or without me, it would be over for them soon, and I need what they have so that I can go on. And that they will be fondly remembered for a long time. The next morning I go out walking with a purpose and I get it over with. LOL silly I know. :woody:
Still trimming
Still trimming. :crying: :help:

I trimmed half of today away.:smokeit:

It rained a little bit here and it rained a little bit there.
But it rained most of the day.
It's 70% chance of rain tomorrow. Tired of the rain already. :chimp:

After trimming

Brother you need to summon some trimming gnomes or something. :cheers: And that is just the late-season pre-chop larf dump. Respect, man that's a lot of work. Next up, boxcar full of buds lol.

My friend, if I may ask, I noticed that ladder and as much as you have to do I wondered if the ladder work makes you hurt. Looking at that grow space makes me think if your time on that ladder makes you sore after so much of it, if you might consider using a Baker scaffold, they are short, narrow, light. you could use it for up high and down low both and sit part of the time. You could anchor the side away from the plant for up high work, and be able to lean over the plant. They can often be found in farm or other auctions, or probably Harbor Freight. They're a good investment, useful for a lot of other chores too.

Good times man :bow: It made me snort that you threw in one trimity in the middle of all that trim :lol:
Brother you need to summon some trimming gnomes or something. :cheers: And that is just the late-season pre-chop larf dump. Respect, man that's a lot of work. Next up, boxcar full of buds lol.

My friend, if I may ask, I noticed that ladder and as much as you have to do I wondered if the ladder work makes you hurt. Looking at that grow space makes me think if your time on that ladder makes you sore after so much of it, if you might consider using a Baker scaffold, they are short, narrow, light. you could use it for up high and down low both and sit part of the time. You could anchor the side away from the plant for up high work, and be able to lean over the plant. They can often be found in farm or other auctions, or probably Harbor Freight. They're a good investment, useful for a lot of other chores too.

Good times man :bow: It made me snort that you threw in one trimity in the middle of all that trim :lol:

Thanks Friend :cheers: :pass: I have a bad lower back these days. Could use some surgery on the L5.
I don't stand long about 3 .5 to 4. hours then I am about done anymore.
I'm taller and do as much as I can from the ground.

Thanks for the information:cheers: I'll look into it.

I was thinking of building a telescopeing chair I could work from. Like one of those small trailer man left but smaller, it wouldn't need to go so tall.
