Outdoor Growtogrow.. Michigan Unlimited multi strain organic grow

OMG male or female? LoL
That's what I've been doing every day for a week now and still have many more to go. Think I'll order a scope to see easyer.

Some are easy to tell them from male or female.
Well More cold and snow coming today. 420 is just a few days away. I've still have to put up the clear tarping up and lights in the grow cage. I may have to use heat this spring off an on to make it to warmer weather.
I need to find some paper to lay down on the ground to lay the wood chips on.

O Oooo yeah...:baked: Sorry..forgot to tell y'all... :dang:

So I got 25 bags of natural wood chips to lay down to start the fungal gardens.

So the garden bed that I worked. Has approximately 12 inches of quality homemade compost using all the soils from the Last 5 Years of growing. Mostly I've purchased ocean Forest n Happy Frog and a few others. So instead of throwing it all out after each grow was finshed. I threw it all on a compost pile and added amendments to it. Such as composted manure eggs household table waste worm castings alpaca poop horse poop sheep poop cow poop straw hey leaves bonemeal blood meal Dolomite lime humic acid Epsom salts kelp meal fish emotions dried fish poop Mexican bat guano Indonesian bat guano Jamaican bat guano Peruvian bird seabird guano crushed seashells Coco Cairo perlite vermiculite . And then I stirred once in awhile.:stir::chef::gassy:

Mmm... Now I've spread it all on top of the freshly dug out Garden spot. I dug out all the natural topsoil down 8 to 12 in and took it out of the groin area to add the new composted soil to that entire area 14' x 20' grow cage. The new compost soil mix ( I had approximately proximately 2 pick up truck loads or 4 yds ) I spread that all down in the dug out.
Now I need to put hopefully newspaper over top of it all but I may not be able to find a newspaper because of this virus pandemic thing....
and I may have to buy a roll of brown paper to put down on it. Then I'll spread my wood chips over top of all that.
Then my plants through to the soil and away we grow for this summer.:headbang::growing:


Unknown or maybe male's

Will start super cropping and manipulating the plants soon... maybe right after they hit grown I may do some before I get them out there depending on how cold it is. ?:snow1::snow2::cheersmate:
And also do some cloning

Right supper cropping is known for increasing yield and possibly trichome production also.
Look she is already springing back. It's been 1 hour
There's so much studying going on right now. doctor Bruce Bugbee at Utah State University head of the plant science lab and founded by NASA for 30 something year's...they're doing tests 100's of tests on cannabis and hemp that's it just blows the mind. :eek1: