Outdoor Growtogrow.. Michigan Unlimited multi strain organic grow

Well folks I found Bud rot on the Somango. 3 nicely dank hard buds on one of the larger colons has develop Bud rot. :yoinks::point::redcard::face:
We've had a lot of humidity and heat here in the last 2 weeks and especially the last five or six days. we've had temperatures between 89° and 92°f. In the garden where I have the thermometer hanging at it's about 3 feet off the ground and it's temperature at that height is round 82° to 83°f average the humidity is around 75%
I don't have good airflow where the somango is at. So I'm adding 2 other fans to the grow today to help move the air better around at the three foot level underneath the canopy. The Somango is underneath the OG fire as the OG fire grew way larger than expected. And also I have the clear tarp covering 2 foot of the Southside cage wall.... Even though that is my sun side of it all. And the reason I have that tarp there is to help block the looky-loos from looking over my fence and seeing inside my cage. As I don't want to have a confrontation that's not my plan to grow like that but I'm always ready for it. But the thing is I've only got about a foot and a half to 2 ft of air circulation at the bottom of that clear tarp on the Southside and about a foot and a half at the top so there's not a lot of air at the bottom of the grow cage and what there is... it's not moving properly or not adequately to hold off the humidity and stagnant still air.
So This should quell the problem of the pm throughout my grow to harvest.....

This morning I sprayed with gallon of Green cure mix at 1/2 strength just because I've spotted powdery mildew in my yard and in my neighbor's yard.
This year luckily I'm taking care of my neighbor's yard for her and I sprayed her yard this morning with the green cure and my yard and the outside yard...
I sprayed the whole damn place. So hopefully this will help quell my problem there's no rain expected in the forecast for 5 or 6 days so I think I'm going to be pretty good on keeping it at Bay at least until I harvest.:vibe::pass:
A few light leaks here and there.
But plenty dark enough.
I cover at 7pm to 730 pm and uncover at 10pm ... So just 3 hours to get to natural night.

Chem berry D
She is a f......monster. 5f x 5f and buds swelling every where.

O yeah the un-friendly that I'm referring to are the kind that jump over my fence to steal my crop.
The Ripper man :warrior: :deadhorse::naughtystep::devil:
Thanks GTG :pass: I can see a few little specs like stars. I did a bit more fixing of the tarp yesterday. I am lookinng for what fans to use to bring air in and out, that is huge 5ft, and shame about the bud rott, but getting it early is the key, then they can be saved. I must say Tangeriine Dream was the last one i thought would get a bit of bud rott, the others are much denser.

Bloody theives :( i guess that is the rule of fight club (canna club lol) dont tell anyone. Tyson can sort them out also:deadhorse:
A little update :baked: :bighug: The girls are drinking a lot of water. So far I gave them 75 gallons in the last 5 days.
So Instead of trying to give them 2 gallons of water at a time each. I've decided to give them 2 gallons in the morning and a 2 gallon at late lunch. To help spread the moisture out over further period of time in he same day.
My thinking is that this will allow the plant to slurp more rather than to drowned them with one big glup of water. More like a drip hydro system.

Maybe next year I'll lean more to a auto drip rain water system. When I re-tool the grow cage..

A few pics these morning.

Buds are swelling.
Getting bigger and bigger and bigger :vibe::thumbsup:
I'm really for seeing that the Dragon Blood and Silver Haze and OG fire...are all going to be well over a pound of finished product.
The Chem Berry diesel... I'm pretty sure she's going to give me a key of finished product. AAA

I can't wait to start trimming those AAA buds.:drool::thumbsup::baked:

Most people don't think you can grow like this organically.
I guess that's why my thread don't get a lot of play.
Cuz I'm not conventional grower .
That's okay that don't matter y'all can see what I do everyday organically...
No commercial chemicals in this grow.... just good old mother nature and little bit of hillbilly know how in the city :rofl::shooty::biker:
:holymoly: :woody:The ladies are just super dooper doing great GTG :pass: Cool GTG your from the country originally? Very impressive grow, this might be the best:d5:
Thanks my Brother from another mother :drunks: :bighug:

Yes I'm from the heart land of Michigan. Where the corn n soybeans grow.

We had a 100 Acre Farm.
My father dug 5 large ponds on the property in 1970. 2 of them were 5 acre of water each. My father stocked them with 5,000 Channel Cat fish in each in 1972.
We farmed 35 acres of the land with corn and beans. Also 30 to 40 head of feeder cattle Black Angus and white-faced Hereford.
We were amongst 7 or 8 Farms spanding about 4 or 5 square miles. On our road when we first moved there the road was nothing but a dirt two-track with grass growing up the middle in 1968 when I was just 4 years old.
Now the same place is unrecognizable from what it used to be where I used to rome and ride horses dirt bikes and bicycles run 5 mile trapline and hunt.
You can no longer do that there any longer. Where the house sat at it was 5 miles to the first major road when I was a kid. And there was only 8 or 9 houses in that same 5 miles.... now there's almost 40.. And only 1 farm left....

Its Very sad as our farms and woodlands are under attack from commercial housing developments and Developers for the money....

I lost my fathers farm after his passing in 95. When his wife got the farm in the will and she
sold it in 97. Still sad about that.

You can't see the home sted house. As this Ariel picture was after my mother and father had got divorced and my mother got the house. The house that sits on 2 acres to the right of the white pole barn.
It's not in the picture though.

My father built the pole barn that is 50 x 40 pole building with a 25 x 40 pole carport out front. Where put a 35 foot travel trailer in and build a 20 x 20 petition inside the pole barn and hooked up with a modern kitchen... and Throne Room.... literally.... the toilet was two steps up to sit on... LOL...
I'm not joking it really was because he had to put in a above ground septic system.... But the kicker was...Then he moved in right next to my mother with his new wife.... What a time that was... LoL...

Do you see the big Oak tree to the left of the white pole barn?
That the first place I got high at in the late fall 1976...LoL...right after we got off the Wednesday night church bus...LoL...we were CAZY country kids FOR SURE me and all my country neighbor friends......

My farm was the hot spot to come to in the summer time. With the freshwater ponds swimming / fishing and camping was almost an everyday occurrence All Summer long. I left a tent set up the whole summer. We just moved it around like these young explorers we all were.

Thanks for asking. I just had a good trip down memory lane.
Thanks my Brother from another mother :drunks: :bighug:

Yes I'm from the heart land of Michigan. Where the corn n soybeans grow.

We had a 100 Acre Farm.
My father dug 5 large ponds on the property in 1970. 2 of them were 5 acre of water each. My father stocked them with 5,000 Channel Cat fish in each in 1972.
We farmed 35 acres of the land with corn and beans. Also 30 to 40 head of feeder cattle Black Angus and white-faced Hereford.
We were amongst 7 or 8 Farms spanding about 4 or 5 square miles. On our road when we first moved there the road was nothing but a dirt two-track with grass growing up the middle in 1968 when I was just 4 years old.
Now the same place is unrecognizable from what it used to be where I used to rome and ride horses dirt bikes and bicycles run 5 mile trapline and hunt.
You can no longer do that there any longer. Where the house sat at it was 5 miles to the first major road when I was a kid. And there was only 8 or 9 houses in that same 5 miles.... now there's almost 40.. And only 1 farm left....

Its Very sad as our farms and woodlands are under attack from commercial housing developments and Developers for the money....

I lost my fathers farm after his passing in 95. When his wife got the farm in the will and she View attachment 1210222sold it in 97. Still sad about that.

You can't see the home sted house. As this Ariel picture was after my mother and father had got divorced and my mother got the house. The house that sits on 2 acres to the right of the white pole barn.
It's not in the picture though.

My father built the pole barn that is 50 x 40 pole building with a 25 x 40 pole carport out front. Where put a 35 foot travel trailer in and build a 20 x 20 petition inside the pole barn and hooked up with a modern kitchen... and Throne Room.... literally.... the toilet was two steps up to sit on... LOL...
I'm not joking it really was because he had to put in a above ground septic system.... But the kicker was...Then he moved in right next to my mother with his new wife.... What a time that was... LoL...

Do you see the big Oak tree to the left of the white pole barn?
That the first place I got high at in the late fall 1976...LoL...right after we got off the Wednesday night church bus...LoL...we were CAZY country kids FOR SURE me and all my country neighbor friends......

My farm was the hot spot to come to in the summer time. With the freshwater ponds swimming / fishing and camping was almost an everyday occurrence All Summer long. I left a tent set up the whole summer. We just moved it around like these young explorers we all were.

Thanks for asking. I just had a good trip down memory lane.
Hey GTG :bighug:
Grow Bro what a beautiful farm you had, thanks for sharing a beautiful aerial shot of it.

I can see natural lakes and could imagine the fun times fishing camping even a small inflatable boat/ or small boat on the ponds. I am glad I asked.

I can clearly see the big Oak, that tree would be special, could just imagine the time there with friends having a smoke or 2 while fishing for just clowning around.

:rofl: like a real Throne, where you have to step up, hence maybe why the Toilet slang out here and maybe there also is "Throne" Oh god your poor Mum having to put up with the new Wife so close, lol that would have been different.

The Pole building, i can see it clearly and i notcied a stand of trees and your Mums house would be there. Here we are on 2 acres, the rural estate, unfortunately, some blocks are 1/4 acre as some people divivded up their blocks, to make some money i guess, but that isnt good when the estate is on septic.

Exactly Bro, sad to see your old farm and other farms all developed, ive seen it here, even used some flood plains here, as the Gold Coast has exploded in growth since i was a youngster

Sounds beautiful the heartland of Michigan, and how nice you had crops and cattle. I wonder if the summers were warm enough for the mushrooms to grow from the cattle dung, i mean the special kind with golden tops

I think new estates should be planned with a good green corridor for the animals and plants and nice parks and the homes could back onto theese green reserves
Organic all the way GT , you are doing one hell of a good job mate . I feel for you about the farm , :sad: This is type of land I am at .
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Thanks grow bro
Hell yeah man that's some beautiful territory there buddy:bow:beautiful tropical. Makes me want to have a pina colada and listen to some Jimmy Buffett and Bob Marley :bighug:
They've Fatting up now...
They've drinking water at 2 gallons avenge every day. Was watering once every 3 days 2 plus gallons each. Now watering every other day. Watered today 30 gallons. But the heat and they're using all the water. I'm watering again sooner. Star in the morning with a 2 gallon drink. At 2 pm I'll have a look at the soil surface to a finger deep.. If not to wet I'll give them another shot or 2.

Thanks for stopping by :pass: