Hey Smokey no problem man anytime you got a question give me a shout on your light dep training techniques. I'm more than glad to give you a hand or anybody else.
I'm no expert but I've been doing it a while and so I got some pretty good ideas and some tricks. There's a app called LunaSoCal this app will help you calculate your daylight hours and the angle of the Sun in your area. it's a great app to help you with your crops and doing light depth. I rely on this app to help me figure out the angle of the Sun on my crop at any given time of the year literally any day and time that the Sun will be in the sky and what angle how many hours and minutes and seconds in a day all of that.
And it also works with the moon too. So if you were putting a Night Garden in you could know all that as well.
Yes the protesting are a good thing.
But the riots and the violence is an awful thing...
It does not get anybody's point across in fact all that is... is just a bunch of thugs out trying to steal stuff they are not part of the cause whatsoever.
In my opinion all looters get shot seriously. I don't believe in that what so ever.
Man You'd would get shot for looting after a storm or hurricane or a tornado or a major event where people were dislodged from their homes ie. such as the coronavirus and the businesses in these towns...
You would have shot them and or arrested them detain them... For they're crimes. They are not for the right thing they're out for themselves doing what they do to gain monetary wealth through stolen items and destruction.
That is not for the cause of George Floyds death and how heinous it was..... So sad.
The For the cause protesters they go out and peacefully protest and get your point across by sure volumes of people chanting carrying signs and laying in the street to get they're point across.
But the flipping of cars and smash businesses windows and steeling.
Stuff that has nothing to do with the cause. That's a whole other organized agenda.
My wife is African American and Native Indian and white mix.
I know the pain of racism from her point of view and as well as my own point of view. I've done some time and learned about hard core racism while I was there.
I don't have a racist bone in my body. And had to stand alone as an army of One while I was there.
I was respected for that and that's why I survived.
The world needs Equality everywhere not just America not just the US everywhere in this world there is....Injustice and not equality for all.
Genocide runs rampant throughout the history of the world. It goes back millennium's.
Thats what will happen when people don't recognize equality for every one.
Equality is Paramount in my belief.
When people fight over scraps of land over the right for clean fresh water because of the color of they're skin because of theyre religion and the way they pray to a god or the way you don't pray to a god because you're ugly or because you're beautiful or because you're gay or lesbian or for whatever reason. That is not equality.
That's how it starts and has continued.
Parents and the piers of a given area and time has not taught the right equality for all... but only equality for there own cause religion race piece of the world whatever... It maybe..
We're all on this Earth together equality has to be Paramount for everybody on Earth.
We're All in This Together as everybody preaches these days. Due to the virus pandemic.
And I believe this is true.
Well this should come to no surprise to any one but..... we've been in this together since the beginning of time.... Yeah... we're all Earthlings. And the quicker we figure out that aspect... possibly the better off we'll be.... as a world community..
Not like... not you live here and I live there and I don't like how you live and stop buttering your bread on the brown side of the toast only do it on the light side of the toast or I'll hate you..for that ?????
Man that's no way to be.
Equality is Paramount to me and to the Earth survival.
With Rising rage in these superpower countries and certain leaders of these power countries with war in their hearts. And some leaders with their finger on the trigger and the Doomsday button... And with that....that they could end all life on this planet.
Is there no better a time than now to recognize that we're all one on this planet together......

or am I just blowing smoke up everybody's ass.