Reader beware...
Hey a good story but it's got a tragic ending. And it may not be for the faint of heart. As my words do get a little graphic. But it's true happened the other day.
I think the story needs to be told.

I finally was able to get the pictures around from the last dog attack here I had to stop outside my door.

I really don't understand why my neighbors aren't taking care of their fence so they can let their dogs out to be dogs in the backyard. ?
I'll give them credit though they don't let the dogs out without leashes on them anymore because of this incident last.
I did have a good talk with them in text messaging. So that it could be documented in case somebody was bitten or myself. So it's not that they don't know. I even sent them the video of their dog attacking somebody. Three different angles.
But its all about... They don't believe that it can happen to them...
That'll be their mistake when the lawyers come after them.
So they all make good money in that house.
The one son works at a hospital. The other son works at the post office and the mother works for Michigan State University..
So there's got to be at least 6 or $7,000 flowing through that house every month...
So there's no reason why they can't have a decent fence to protect their dogs and the neighborhood from their dogs.

So this really isn't about my neighbors so to speak they're just generalized in this discussion of the real story.
This is just a little rant because they had another incident the other day that was a close call again.
I just wanted to bring this up again if anybody reading this that has dogs or know somebody who has dogs that could be a little bit dangerous.
Okay here's the story that happened last week.

So the guy I work for, has another gentleman that works there also that has a very close friend that has a
( 2 year old Corso cane )
If you don't know what a Corso cane dog is?
It's a very BIG dog... It makes a Saint Bernard look small. In fact the Corso cane can get the size of a small cow.
The Corso cane is like a pitbull on steroids... An Arnold Schwarzenegger or a Ronnie Coleman huge animal Darn Yates.
With the ability of Jet li Or Bruce Lee
These dog's can be a great family pet and being around children and women. They're known to be generally good dogs. For this purpose.
This particular dog was raised around children women and family, this dog had a very strong sense of family duty, so I was told.
He has been a really good dog. I was told....until.
Until Wednesday last week.
So there was an argument between a man and a woman outside of this guy's house.
The uncle opened up the door to see what was going on outside of the house.
and the dog shot out door...
he didn't mean for the dog to go out the door but it happened anyways...
The 2-year-old Corso cane weighing about 170 lb right now commenced too attacking the man who was arguing with the woman...
Remember this dog's sense of duty is to protect women and children. That's what he knows.
The owner of the dog (the uncles nephew) ran out the door to get the dog and stop the dog from attacking the arguing man.
The dog turned on his owner and attacked him big time.
The dog attacked and bit the uncle in the face.
The owner tried to stop the attacking Corso cane again and the dog attack his owner and best friend again.
Now latching on to his best friends arm and crushing it.

Now the arm is in the mouth of the dog and he's going up and down the arm continually crushing it. He wouldn't let go he wouldn't stop.
They tried everything to get the dog to break before the police came.
They tried hitting the dog, poking him in the eye even poking their finger in the
( butt ) of the dog ???
I have no idea what the hell that would do??? I've never heard of that one.?

So it took about 30 minutes before the police finally got there.
Now you can imagine how long that dog had to chomp on the arm of his owner and best friends.
He was locked onto the best friend that he's ever known arm.
They said that the dog had crushed the bone so much that it was seeping bone
So they cops finally got there. Police pulled out their gun and shoot the dog in the head.
It was the only way they knew how to make the dog let go of the owners arm finally.
The owners arms is wrecked for ever... he can never use it again like he once was able to.
He's now been through 5 surgeries. His arm looks like freaking ground up hamburgers trying to heal.
( if you can just imagine that.? )
All of you that have been following my thread for years now
I love dogs man...
Y'all know I've had my time with dog in this neighborhood and in my life. Hell my first babysitter was a German Shepherd and ain't no joke.
I've had my time with dogs that's for sure.
Being a responsible dog owner when you have dogs that are dangerous to people other animals and even to yourself.
It's super important. It's so important
For the animal, if you want to protect the animal.
Then it's so important you have safeguards around your home and property for the guard dog and home protectors.
The Corso canes get a bad rap. All the time just like pitbulls do.
But it's really due to the owner not knowing how to take care of their dogs.
Not understanding the dog and it's capabilities.
Being too close to the dog and thinking it's a ( human ) and it'll listens to you with reason... no.
NO ! It's still an animal and still has the animal instincts.
Without proper training this dog is a loose Cannon, a weapon straight up.
No if ands or buts about it.
A dog like this can be such weapon for good. And it can be a weapon for evil.
Or such as what just happened. Just acting on instinct that's in it's DNA.
Sometimes they don't know any better and it's not their fault.
But you still have to put them down.
No matter what you do it's got to be done. Once an animal has done that they're generally no good any longer. Once they've tasted human blood... Especially their owners blood and best friends. They can never be trusted again. I know I've been there.