Dinafem Growing White Cheese In cooler temps


We live to survive our paradoxes
Cultivators Club
May 25, 2018
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Hi , I was wondering if anyone had any experience with growing Dinafem in cooler temps. I am on day 42 of White cheese auto. It seems for the most part I think healthy, but maybe a little bit behind earlier grows in the summer. I believe this one is still mid stretch at day 42 and is 16" tall by 1 1/2' wide. The current temps fluctuate between 64-68 Fahrenheit and around 40% humidity. I expect temps to drop further as winter is starting to get closer.

At what temps should I really start to worry ? What should I expect in terms of yield/time with current conditions ?

I was looking at a heating cable at my local gardening center. Is something like this a viable solution ? Anyone have experience with something similar that will work with cloth potted plants ?

The only other alternative I can think of is going with a space heater. But the running the extra power gets pretty pricey and trips breakers.

Any suggestions, tips, and advice most welcome. As well , any suggestions on Dinafem strains that do well in colder temps and provide excellent pain relief. So far blues and white cheese have been my wifes favorite for pain.

Thank you all.

Current white cheese grow @ 64-68 Fahrenheit, day 42
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it's under one of @BigSm0 Auto cobs. Love the light, but it's not helping my temp issues any. The plant next to it (not shown) is under a mars 100w cob that isn't providing much heat either.
The only other alternative I can think of is going with a space heater.
Radiator heater is what I use. If I recall correctly, the ceramic style heater is pretty dry. I have my radiator heater in a two drawer file cabinet pushed up next to one of my window vents. Inline fan sucks in the warn and toasties.
Radiator heater is what I use. If I recall correctly, the ceramic style heater is pretty dry. I have my radiator heater in a two drawer file cabinet pushed up next to one of my window vents. Inline fan sucks in the warn and toasties.

This would be my choice also. You need to keep those roots warm so a radiator would definitely help maintain your temps.

As you are only at maximum hitting high 60,s(f) you are going to face some issue such as slow growth and reduced yields.

What about swapping one LED out for a hps to generate some heat whilst lighting your plant's?

Best option would be a radiator but even a 1kw heater is going to put your running costs up.

Do you have anyway to input hot air?

All the best

On day 53 now. I think it just finished its stretch at 24" now tall. So I think that's it's only about a lil over a week behind maybe?. On the 7th I put up some framing and insulation in the room. It seems to be holding a steady 68 and peaking at up 70. Hopefully it'll stay that way, it's only about -20 now, But the -40 to 50's are on their way. If I need to get it warmer yet, I think that your idea of another light might be the best option. I really hate the idea of a heater.

Got a lil light stress, It grew over 4 " over night into the cob. And I didn't notice until evening.
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Looks fantastic. Great size and structure considering the cool conditions. I guess this really proves what good genetics in the rights hands can accomplish. I have some Dinafem seeds sitting on deck and I can't wait to see how they turn out
Thx @Mavadines for the kind words. I would say it's mostly the Dinafem Genetics keeping me out of serious trouble. I have grown other genetics that for sure have not been so forgiving. I just hope that Dinafem can carry me though with a decent yield despite the cold. First time really practicing bondage with this lady, and I think it went ok. I snapped one stem though :( Started lst very early at around day 12.
Hey M8 that plant looks great. I grow in a tent in a loft in the UK.. temps are always an issue and I've recently had temps similar to yours even with a little 0.5kw heater running full tilt.. I've also grown a few dinafem ladies in those temps and they haven't let me down.. I would say that dinafem are the strongest toughest plants Ive ever grown. U could try a small radiator type heater like mine although I see you are reluctant to use a heater.. the HPS is an option and should sort temps issues but it will hit the electric harder than a cob.. I have a dimmable HPS 250/660w but I'd rather stick with the heater and my Skyline than stick a big dirty HPS in there lol I'm sure that lady will yield a decent bit of bud for your missiz.. I'm subbed for the run in as I'm gonna grow a white cheese pretty soon so be good to see how she turns out.. good luck with her bro.. sending you karma for the meds..

On day 53 now. I think it just finished its stretch at 24" now tall. So I think that's it's only about a lil over a week behind maybe?. On the 7th I put up some framing and insulation in the room. It seems to be holding a steady 68 and peaking at up 70. Hopefully it'll stay that way, it's only about -20 now, But the -40 to 50's are on their way. If I need to get it warmer yet, I think that your idea of another light might be the best option. I really hate the idea of a heater. View attachment 971501
Got a lil light stress, It grew over 4 " over night into the cob. And I didn't notice until evening.

With outdoor temperatures in the -40,s your doing an amazing job maintaining those temps my friend :thumbsup:

May I ask. Where about in the world do you live, Alaska?

That's some cold temps to deal with. So far the plants looks to be fine. Lots of budsites showing and now vertical growth has slowed focus will be on big fat bud production and trichome development :bong:

Another light would help to get temps up and will increase yields, if I had a choice of an extra light or heater. I would choose the light :thumbsup:

Thanks for the update buddy :pass:

All the best
