New Grower Growing while in extreme pain - My Journey so far


I put metal in the microwave
Cultivators Club
Jan 19, 2016
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Hello all, If you don't know me please check out my intro thread here:

[EDIT] @pop22 is taking me under their wing and has agreed to help me out and i appreciate being coached by pop22. Hopefully sometime I can pass along the knowledge

So here's where im at so far (Very far behind).

I have 2 seeds, was only going to do one but im still scared to get a male, if i have two bushy plants ill have to chop one down. I have them in a soiless promix type mix, but was going to go with miracle grow organic (I've got a very tight budget as I have to buy my meds while im waiting/growing). I did the cup of water and towel trick to makesure they germinated. I then planted them 1/4 inch down.

I need a lot of things such as a ph meter and all. I am totally un prepared, but pay comes soon and I think my girls can handle a few days with the water around 6.9 natural.

I was wondering if i could get suggestions on what to buy for feeding that isn't expensive (I know UTSE, but beyond lazy im in pain as the title suggests). I saw some of those things like tiger bloom and they seem to work great but i don't think I have the money for that unless it becomes needed as opposed to other methods.

I am getting a thing of ph up and down though, and will soon get a ph meter as said before.

I am germinating the plantsin an old PC tower and while i'd like to stay in the pc box, if that's not possible (I doubt it will be possible), I will move it to an old closet.

I am using a regular old CFL as I don't have the funds for anything fancy, I do have 2 super cheap LED grow lights, but I might return those (let me know if i should return the LED lights) so I have more money for those smell eliminating bulbs.

I am doing a few mixed strains from the post i mentioned earlier. Since I don't know the difference in looks, I just figured I would go with the freebies first.

I am interested in small stealth plants, I plan to get a tent as well either making my own carbon filter or going some of those smell killing cfl lights.

As you can see its a bit of a ghetto grow, but it's also being innovative.

I am sure I am missing something here from my log.

So a questions to all of you, do any of you have chronic pain and plant, im worried about picking up the plant and dropping it once it sprouts due to pain. Anyone have suggestions?
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Stick with the organic soil you have and you won't need much more to have a good grow! Find some Jobe's Organic nutrients, even their organic spikes will work. Tap water ph can vary so find a way to keep an eye on it. With the organic soil and nutrients, you'll only have to water thru your whole grow! If your going to start with CFLs, you need at least 120 watts of light for a decent harvest. 4, 23watt bulbs will work for a start but add a couple more before they flower. Keep your lights with 3;4 inches of your plants.
Good luck!
Hello there...I too suffer from severe chronic pain due to an upper neck injury for over 10 years. I still manage to keep it positive for the most part and am able to grow some pretty sweet plants. As for pain strains that do work I have found the following to have at least some positive effect.
1 Barneys farm auto blue mammoth auto
2 Dutch Passion Blueberry photo
3 DNA Genetics Kosher Kush photo

For real pain reduction look at trying out green dragon tincture. Its been much more of a breakthrough on my pain then any particular strain that is smoked for the effect.
The dragon strains available at the portal gisftshop are very well spoken of for pain relief. I just started growing them to try out a few months ago.
I'd go see @pop22 ..he has been Fert Testing and is probably going to give you Best advice on cheap ferts..

When you get your PH meter..come looking for a med mod..and we will sort your Pain out for you too.
If you have less pain you will have less grow problems.

Good Luck.. :thumbsup:
Thank you very much! It is appreciated, you have been very helpful Mossy! I wish i had more to reply to you here. I have to go tend to my other thread and have people move threads :)

Stick with the organic soil you have and you won't need much more to have a good grow! Find some Jobe's Organic nutrients, even their organic spikes will work. Tap water ph can vary so find a way to keep an eye on it. With the organic soil and nutrients, you'll only have to water thru your whole grow! If your going to start with CFLs, you need at least 120 watts of light for a decent harvest. 4, 23watt bulbs will work for a start but add a couple more before they flower. Keep your lights with 3;4 inches of your plants.
Good luck!
Thank you for all the information pop22, I have of light going right now but its just germinating, im going to get a marshydro led like @912GreenSkell discussed in my intro thread. I have litmus paper i've been using for testing my tap water out but i'd like a ph meter because it looks less "odd". I guess I am glad I decided to go with just a few strains and have decent water without chlorine.

Hello there...I too suffer from severe chronic pain due to an upper neck injury for over 10 years. I still manage to keep it positive for the most part and am able to grow some pretty sweet plants. As for pain strains that do work I have found the following to have at least some positive effect.
1 Barneys farm auto blue mammoth auto
2 Dutch Passion Blueberry photo
3 DNA Genetics Kosher Kush photo

For real pain reduction look at trying out green dragon tincture. Its been much more of a breakthrough on my pain then any particular strain that is smoked for the effect.
The dragon strains available at the portal gisftshop are very well spoken of for pain relief. I just started growing them to try out a few months ago.
Thanks for the info, i have those added to my list of eventual purchases. I was reading and hearing that autoflowers have higher cbd content than photos which is one of a few reasons i went for a autos (small begin another). the blue mammoth looks nice to me. and I'll try to find some green dragon tincture time to check out some menus.
Im glad to know that someone else with a major injury is able to have breakthrough pain relief. I appreciate everyone helping me out here and the friendliness
Okay, so I went a head and used my credit card to get a very small grow tent (24x24x36) which hopefully will hold me to start (it was cheap and I'm hoping for short plants and have no space anyway to put it anywhere), the LED grow light, some nutrients, cal/mag and a filter. so my next month of free money was spent :\ but now i am good to go for my own grows from here on out, just will need a bigger tent in a year I'd assume.
Okay, so I went a head and used my credit card to get a very small grow tent (24x24x36) which hopefully will hold me to start (it was cheap and I'm hoping for short plants and have no space anyway to put it anywhere), the LED grow light, some nutrients, cal/mag and a filter. so my next month of free money was spent :\ but now i am good to go for my own grows from here on out, just will need a bigger tent in a year I'd assume.

My grow space is almost the same as that. Mine is 54" long X20" deep X 34" high from the top of the pots to the lights surface. I am able to train 3-4 plants in there with 2 lights...I am adding another light, just because I can. :D

I am not the only one that had a breakthrough thanks to the tincture. @StickMan was the gent that pointed me to tincture and am I glad he did. I use it during the day for pain control, and a local chronic pain friend uses the tincture before he goes to sleep, and he states "I haven't slept this good in over 20 years". The blue mammoth I had was a great plant. With its cheese genes its supposed to be high in cbd. I recall reading a test done on the strain and it was 8-9% thc and 5-6%cbd. Now the negative factor on the strain. Not sure if it was a fluke but mine went over 100 days before it was harvested. Though the barneys website states it yields only 15-20g's I ended up pulling 100 grams of mine from a limited sun outdoor grow(6-8 hours sun).

What did you buy for nutrients?
My grow space is almost the same as that. Mine is 54" long X20" deep X 34" high from the top of the pots to the lights surface. I am able to train 3-4 plants in there with 2 lights...I am adding another light, just because I can. :D

I am not the only one that had a breakthrough thanks to the tincture. @StickMan was the gent that pointed me to tincture and am I glad he did. I use it during the day for pain control, and a local chronic pain friend uses the tincture before he goes to sleep, and he states "I haven't slept this good in over 20 years". The blue mammoth I had was a great plant. With its cheese genes its supposed to be high in cbd. I recall reading a test done on the strain and it was 8-9% thc and 5-6%cbd. Now the negative factor on the strain. Not sure if it was a fluke but mine went over 100 days before it was harvested. Though the barneys website states it yields only 15-20g's I ended up pulling 100 grams of mine from a limited sun outdoor grow(6-8 hours sun).

What did you buy for nutrients?
I want to add another grow tent that's taller than I have now. I might have to add another light once i get a few grows under my belt. I ended up also ordering a new carbon filter and inline fan since the one i was going to use cost almost as much to change the carbon as buying all new equipment. I may have gone a bit overboard there...

As far as tinctures, that is a great thing to know. I remember one time someone had made me a Acapulco gold crossed with thin mint tincture that helped with a breakthrough, although im not the biggest fan of waiting for medications to work. Although, I also have seizures, so tinctures are a good way to cover the seizures and any breakthroughs/auoras I get i'll vape or have my emergency roll and go to town and it stops the seizure before it starts.

I am looking for quick finishing strains, but for a grow I will need to check out blue mammoth. 100 grams would be awesome for me... even 15-20 would be awesome. I guess in your first grow you just get excited, although im sure i'll screw up every step of the process. @pop22 is trying a new project here with me where he'll help train me step by step, but @912GreenSkell : I'll gladly take your help too. So It's all good.

My seeds did have a tap root and germinate, and im sure im just impatient but day two adn they didnt pop through (I know im impatient).

I went with "Fox Farm FX14049 Liquid Nutrient Trio Soil Formula: Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom (Pack of 3 - 32 oz. bottles)" (from amazon). I had read some things on it, and with prime i can always send it back or sell it locally for the price i paid for it.

How worried should I be about bug control to start? I am planning the habenero spray for any mites that may come along. It seems like it's a different ball game growing at home versus a commercial grow.
I want to add another grow tent that's taller than I have now. I might have to add another light once i get a few grows under my belt. I ended up also ordering a new carbon filter and inline fan since the one i was going to use cost almost as much to change the carbon as buying all new equipment. I may have gone a bit overboard there...

As far as tinctures, that is a great thing to know. I remember one time someone had made me a Acapulco gold crossed with thin mint tincture that helped with a breakthrough, although im not the biggest fan of waiting for medications to work. Although, I also have seizures, so tinctures are a good way to cover the seizures and any breakthroughs/auoras I get i'll vape or have my emergency roll and go to town and it stops the seizure before it starts.

I am looking for quick finishing strains, but for a grow I will need to check out blue mammoth. 100 grams would be awesome for me... even 15-20 would be awesome. I guess in your first grow you just get excited, although im sure i'll screw up every step of the process. @pop22 is trying a new project here with me where he'll help train me step by step, but @912GreenSkell : I'll gladly take your help too. So It's all good.

My seeds did have a tap root and germinate, and im sure im just impatient but day two adn they didnt pop through (I know im impatient).

I went with "Fox Farm FX14049 Liquid Nutrient Trio Soil Formula: Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom (Pack of 3 - 32 oz. bottles)" (from amazon). I had read some things on it, and with prime i can always send it back or sell it locally for the price i paid for it.

How worried should I be about bug control to start? I am planning the habenero spray for any mites that may come along. It seems like it's a different ball game growing at home versus a commercial grow.

Height will be a challenge, but can be easily overcome for all but the largest strains through lst. With small PC fans rigged up to blow across the surface of the lights, I was able to get my buds within 6" of the surface without any ill effects. If you check out the Microgrow link in my signature there is many pics of the setup and the entire grow start to finish.

Too bad you spent so much on scent control. My 3 smell a fair bit without any control of any kind, but even with a DIY carbon setup the smell could easily be controlled.

If you have pop22 in your corner you will do just fine for your first grow, pop22 is a fantastic grower!!

Foxfarm is a fantastic fertilizer for sure, and though I haven't used it indoor, I have grown some massive outdoor plants using it.

I wouldn't worry about bug control at all initially, unless you have houseplants that have bugs. Keep your tent clean, and you should be fine.

Last but not least...this is something that I didn't put in my outdoor training guide. Love your plant. Tell her you appreciate the help she supplies. I tell my 4 outdoor plants I love 'em all the time, and they return the love with 3lbs+ per plant. It might sound like BS, but its true!

Its really great that you have such positive effects on your ailments. For my pain I have to try a bunch of varieties to search out the perfect strain for me. Have you tried cbd rich strains? Sounds like high cbd, low thc strains would suit you perfect.
Height will be a challenge, but can be easily overcome for all but the largest strains through lst. With small PC fans rigged up to blow across the surface of the lights, I was able to get my buds within 6" of the surface without any ill effects. If you check out the Microgrow link in my signature there is many pics of the setup and the entire grow start to finish.

Too bad you spent so much on scent control. My 3 smell a fair bit without any control of any kind, but even with a DIY carbon setup the smell could easily be controlled.

If you have pop22 in your corner you will do just fine for your first grow, pop22 is a fantastic grower!!

Foxfarm is a fantastic fertilizer for sure, and though I haven't used it indoor, I have grown some massive outdoor plants using it.

I wouldn't worry about bug control at all initially, unless you have houseplants that have bugs. Keep your tent clean, and you should be fine.

Last but not least...this is something that I didn't put in my outdoor training guide. Love your plant. Tell her you appreciate the help she supplies. I tell my 4 outdoor plants I love 'em all the time, and they return the love with 3lbs+ per plant. It might sound like BS, but its true!

Its really great that you have such positive effects on your ailments. For my pain I have to try a bunch of varieties to search out the perfect strain for me. Have you tried cbd rich strains? Sounds like high cbd, low thc strains would suit you perfect.
In the last two to three years everything in the world of autoflowering has changed from when I last looked in to it (hence im here). I am thoroughly impressed that it can be a legit grow and not a novelty grow anymore.

I have just a "few" extra pc fans and will have to add that to my set up, I do want to make sure it stays cool but I don't think it will be that hard to control that much heat from LED lights? Plus I use electric heat so this will just be my heat.

I am sure I could (with your and pop22's help) have made a DIY scent control like you said, and probably should have, but I guess it's laziness and the literal pain involved is enough already for when I set up the tent. I'm paranoid about scent, but I also don't want to be rude to others and have a smell going. Plus I can see how it works for my allergies too. I also have the things ready to go for next time too and for bigger grows.

I've read everywhere that FoxFarm is amazing so I figured I would go for broke on it.

I will keep my tent clean and have no bugs in the house so I will not worry much about bug control, but I remember one grow my friends did that was a commercial grow that spidermites got everywhere and it took them about 10k usd to get it all fixed and taken care of (commercial grow though so we're talking thousand plants at least). It makes me paranoid to say the least.

I agree it is good that it has positive effect on me, I definitely am looking in the end for high CBD strains, I won't lie though. I do enjoy the THC, but I'm thinking of trying both a high cbd strain and a "regular" autoflower. From what I've seen though, even if it turns to be a crapshoot, (like this video here ) I'll be happy with something that small for my first run.

I think my biggest problem will be the waiting period, dunno why but I am an impatient person