Welcome to AFN mate,nice profile name,chuck Norris kicks ass,literally
that soil is loaded with ferts so I'd say don't start seeds in it,a seedling soil would be better,or a general un ferted compost would be perfect.you can start seeds in that and then have your own nutrient feeding schedule.a lot of growers at AFN use the tiered cup method.take 2 party cups,cut the bottom off one and pierce holes in the bottom of the other.slide the bottomless one inside the other and fill with soil and add seed.once sexed or big enough you can simply slide out the cup with the plant and sit it in a bigger pot
.8 gal pots are prob to big for most autos but mi5 can get huge and other super auto will require pots that big.2 or 3 gal will grow nice plants and if you have good weather all year you should be able to grow nice plants in your polytunnel mate.and as for perlite,which ever soil you choose if it ain't got any in it add some it with help with drainage :smokebuds: