Grow Battles - What Do We Need to Fix or Change?

Plus we usually tag in @HighnDry to ck off update

I'm just playing devil's advocate so don't take that as me disagreeing :pass: Definitely an idea, do you think the view count would be high enough? We know from the past that some vendors journals weren't getting enough traction so I think that was the main aim of Big Battle Thread. Do we put it back on the vendor and say 'hey, we've filled your section with grows, time to get in there and start interacting with them'?
OMG yes. I'd also like to add it's being used as an advertising tool and a source for likes to win competitions.
when you say its been used as an advertising tool how do you mean i dont see a issue with a mod tagging in gladiators to a vendor give away/promotions why shouldnt we support the people who have supported us when it comes to people using it to get eyes on there own thread thats on them and how would you say its being used to win competitions iv personally never seen a a tag saying come here vote for me ?
when you say its been used as an advertising tool how do you mean i dont see a issue with a mod tagging in gladiators to a vendor give away/promotions

That's exactly what I mean . Is it part of the gladiator deal to be constantly tagged with every sale a seed company offers ? It's like spam mail. From my perspective we collaborate with venders and do seeds for journals. I didn't know we were obligated to more.

how would you say its being used to win competitions iv personally never seen a a tag saying come here vote for me ?
When a competition is won by the most likes on a post, do you see how it's an unfair advantage to use the gladiator tag to pull a ton of viewers to your post ? I'm not going to point fingers but it's happened and that person won a large prize package. We all have a tendency here on AFN to naturally smash that like button.
That's exactly what I mean . Is it part of the gladiator deal to be constantly tagged with every sale a seed company offers ? It's like spam mail. From my perspective we collaborate with venders and do seeds for journals. I didn't know we were obligated to more.

When a competition is won by the most likes on a post, do you see how it's an unfair advantage to use the gladiator tag to pull a ton of viewers to your post ? I'm not going to point fingers but it's happened and that person won a large prize package. We all have a tendency here on AFN to naturally smash that like button.

(naturally smashez like button...well...jus becuz :biggrin: )................(damn them stoned tendenciez...:baked: ppp)
That's exactly what I mean . Is it part of the gladiator deal to be constantly tagged with every sale a seed company offers ? It's like spam mail. From my perspective we collaborate with venders and do seeds for journals. I didn't know we were obligated to more.
I look at getting tagged (as a gladiator) as a bonus for being a gladiator! I get notified of any sales/deals/offers/sponsored battles/free seeds/testers before a non gladiator might see them or physically have to search those threads out.

As for the battles bit you spoke about - ok I know I’m still fairly new here but the battles I voted in were done on a poll system so a gladiator tag would notify me that a poll for selecting a winner is up, or even one of the contestants might tag us to say vote - but my vote would still be based on those poll pictures- not swayed by the fact a contestant called all gladiators to vote.
Just my 2c’s worth :smoking:
e but the battles I voted in were done on a poll system so a gladiator tag would notify me that a poll for selecting a winner is up, or even one of the contestants might tag us to say vote - but my vote would still be based on those poll pictures- not swayed by the fact a contestant called all gladiators to vote.
Not referring to these.

I look at getting tagged (as a gladiator) as a bonus for being a gladiator! I get notified of any sales/deals/offers/sponsored battles

I can see how some people might like it , but then why not just tag the whole user data base with sales ? See how the majority probably wouldn't like it ?
I think updates should be more on topic. Post pics of just the battle plant and not the other 7 you have in your garden. Updates should be marked as to what battle it is in. And yes only gladiators commenting. Not some posting a question about whats wrong with their plant or do you think this is ready to harvest? I do see posting potential battle plants in the first 30 days.
Back again with one more comment. Can't believe I forgot to mention something very important to me: visibility to a gladiator's battle history/stats. The only reason I know that I've done 38 battles over the past 36 months is because I log them in the "Grow Battles I Have Completed" area of the Account Details page (and of course in my own private spreadsheets). But none of this is visible to the AFN grower community, and certainly not to vendors, breeders, etc. I'm not looking for prizes for wins (as someone said earlier, the prize is what's curing in the Mason Jars). But I am looking for standing, ranking, credit, reputation, etc.

Currently, as I browse around the threads and journals, I can perceive no distinction between a Gladiator whose just starting versus a veteran whose done dozens of battles, and no way to tell how many times one of my colleagues has achieved a win-place-or-show in a grow competition. If this was readily visible in the area under the avatar of a member's posts (where we see counts of likes & posts, etc), then I would be a happy camper.

I sense the problem here is two fold; the current software/programming may not have a means to display this info, and, second and more important, I suspect that AFN currently has no means of tracking and logging this info.

I don't know how tough if would be to get this visibility in the system, but I do know that without it, a huge incentive to participate in battles is missing (for me at least).