Harvest & Curing Grove Bags for rehydration


Cultivators Club
Mar 10, 2020
Reaction score
So I just thought I would give a quick preliminary opinion on the Grove Bags so far.

I had received some dry buds and was pretty disappointed because there was pretty much no aroma when smelling inside the bag. When ground up and vaped it was harsher then I'm used to as well.

It was in a zip lock bag when I received it and I had actually ordered 25 of the ounce bags from Grove Bags. I know they if people dry out cigars you can rehydrate them and get back a lot of the good qualities that are gone.

So as soon as I got the bags a couple weeks ago I immediately put all the bud into one. I looked online about how to rehydrate cannabis and decided to try the the water on bread trick.

So basically once all the bud was in the bag I ripped off a section of sliced bread and got it a little wet. You don't really want oversaturation and have the bread turn to complete mush.

Next I put the bag on its side and slide in the bread so it wasn't touching anything but the bag. I closed it (did not seal with heat) and left it for about an hour to hour and a half before taking bread back out. I already noticed everything not being as dry. Over last couple weeks I only open bag when grabbing some out to grind for vaporizer.

Now I don't know the history of the bud as far as curing or anything really.

That said after about a day I noticed the harshness of smoke decrease and aroma in bag dramatically increase. So for me that little test showed me that rehydrating could make a positive difference. I'm sure it's down to personal preference how much moisture people like in there buds.

Something I didn't expect to happen was that it definitely seems more potent now after couple weeks. I asked someone else who has only been vaping same stuff as me and they agreed it felt more potent as well.

I have read that curing can increase potency and I can only assume that's what happened. Again I don't know previous history before it came to me but when I harvest in a few weeks I already planned on comparing curing in glass and the Grove bags. I'm really looking forward to comparing the two and interested to see to what happens.
me jus take a couple squarez of tp, ball it up, wet it under tap, squeeze out excess wet, toss in with bud & viola, instahydration :smoking: been doin it for yearz with me tobacco & it workz a treat with bud as well :thumbsup: ppp
Today I noticed a failure with the bag. The zip lock portion came completely detached from one side. I just looked back to see when I received this bag and it was March 31. I never used heat to seal the bag. I just used it to rehydrate and storage. Probably opened a few times a day to take some out to grind as needed. I'm going to transfer to another bag from same order to see if it is fluke or not.

@Grove Bags Have you heard of this before?


This picture shows failure better.

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Today I noticed a failure with the bag. The zip lock portion came completely detached from one side. I just looked back to see when I received this bag and it was March 31. I never used heat to seal the bag. I just used it to rehydrate and storage. Probably opened a few times a day to take some out to grind as needed. I'm going to transfer to another bag from same order to see if it is fluke or not.

@Grove Bags Have you heard of this before?

View attachment 1180735

This picture shows failure better.

View attachment 1180747

Thank you for the feedback and visual example of the zipper issue your experienced with our bag. It is an issue that is rare that results from when we have to execute small production runs to fill in gaps in our stock product inventory supply where at time a few units at the tail end of the production run don't receive the proper heating to affix the zipper. Should this issue persist with other Grove Bags you are putting to use, please let us know!